.htaccess and apache

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.htaccess and apache

Postby aleale97 » 11. February 2012 15:46

Hi guys,
i've build a server with Apache, php and mysql on it but i've a problem. when i try a htaccess file on the xampp server on windows is functional when i try it on the server it simply doesn't do his work. In this forum i found a similar question, the answer was to put allowoverride in the directory field in the httpd.conf file but i don't have any <directory></directory> in the httpd.conf file.

Can you guys help me? Thanks
Posts: 1
Joined: 11. February 2012 15:36
Operating System: Linux

Re: .htaccess and apache

Postby Toughskin » 13. February 2012 06:39

Try and add the <directory> open and close tags anyhow. Then override by adding allowoverride inside of the directory tags.
Posts: 1
Joined: 14. October 2011 01:48

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