Tomcat with XAMPP

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Tomcat with XAMPP

Postby ildolce » 10. February 2012 12:34


I have a problem.
I've changed the port in server.xml because I have this port with other application.
I start tomcat server from catabalina.bat perfect in the new port.
I change the port for tomcat in XAMPP.INI with the new port.
Restart the computer.
And I try again to start tomcat server from XAMPP Control Panel but I see log as "Busy port - Tomcat 8080".
The tomcat server start but I want to avoid this message in the XAMPP Control Panel.
So when you press de button for going to the tomcat by browser the url is with the old port.

Where can change the port?
What Can I do?
Posts: 1
Joined: 10. February 2012 12:31
Operating System: Windows XP

Re: Tomcat with XAMPP

Postby hackattack142 » 10. February 2012 14:35

Please try the latest beta of the version 3 control panel. It has improved tomcat support and should address all your issues. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=48932
XAMPP Control Panel Developer
Latest CP: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=48932
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Joined: 20. May 2011 23:29
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-Bit

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