*** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

How do I connect to MS-SQL from PHP in XAMPP 1.7.4?

Postby BertMul » 25. April 2011 19:25

Does anyone have any clue how to connect to a Microsoft SQL server from XAMPP 1.7.4 running on Windows?
I have some silly PHP application that has to connect to a Microsoft SQL server to get some decent reports from SCCM.

It worked OK on XAMPP 1.7.3 after removing some comments from the ini files, but it looks like support for MS-SQL was completely removed from XAMPP 1.7.4.
There is no way I can get it to work on Windows.

I noticed that the Linux version of XAMPP 1.7.4 includes FreeTDS, so I guess that may possibly work.
Unfortunately it is no option for me to migrate to Linux (for now)

I really hope someone can tell me how to do this.
If not, I am stuck with 1.7.3 for ever.
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby mconi2007 » 09. May 2011 18:04

Hi, I have configured my php.ini file to send email but it keeps giving me this error:

sendmail: Error during delivery: Socket Error # 10051
Network is unreachable.
sendmail: Error during delivery: Socket Error # 10051
Network is unreachable.

I have done all the configurations right and it keeps telling me the email has been sent but in my apache error log keep saying the above and the destination email address does not receive the message.
Please help!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Sharley » 27. June 2011 01:35

Please refer to this post and the full Topic to perhaps try the recommended newer version of sendmail and to perhaps experiment using the linked MSMTP alternative that was used quite well in XAMPP 1.7.3 version.
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby patriciabigelow » 26. July 2011 11:10

This problem usually occurs when php_apc.dll is missing from your system.

Missing php_apc.dll file can be downloaded from here.


Download it and then extract the downloaded zip file to the Windows System32 folder, which is located in Windows Drive.

Note: Windows drive is the drive in which your windows is installed.

(that is located in your main drive which contains the installed windows)
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby patriciabigelow » 26. July 2011 11:22

To fix this error message, you need to replace the corrupted or missing php_apc.dll file with new file that you can download from the following link.


After downloaded the file, restore this file in System32 folder.

This is the best source on the net I have ever found to fix almost all DLL error messages, which is caused because of corrupted or missing .dll files. Once you are on the site, click on the Run a DLL Scan link and you will see all other issues you might have on your pc has been resolved. Good Luck
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Economic Computing » 26. July 2011 17:02

Version 1.7.4 should never have been released, and someone should put a warning on the download that it is unstable, right now. The installer in particular needs to be removed because it simply does not work correctly.

I installed 1.7.4 on my development machine because I need Tomcat for a project. Imagine my surprise when it totally hosed my system.

I have a lot of experience in software development and what really leaps out at me is that there is apparently NO pre-release testing at all - if anyone tested this thing they would have run into the problem that hosed my system immediately on the very first test and it would have been an obvious show-stopper for the release. Clearly no one went through the most basic of due diligence on testing here.

I strongly recommend everyone to stay away from this release (1.7.4) - if elementary and obvious mistakes like this are in the production process then there's no reason to have confidence that the rest is reliable.
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Sharley » 27. July 2011 02:28

For those forum members like atl2000 and Economic Computing who have expressed the need for more testing of XAMPP before release and who would like to contribute their XAMPP skills and free time in testing new releases then please follow the instructions on this web page:

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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Economic Computing » 27. July 2011 19:12

What is this "free time" thing you speak of?

Seriously, though, I spent 17 years in corporate IT - I know just how important it is to test things before they hit production, and what the consequences of failing to do so are. If you need help getting the testing part of the development cycle right, contact me - I made a special email address so I'll know who you are wherever you mail from: xampp at http://economiccomputing.com
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Sharley » 28. July 2011 02:20

The reason for a central location for all things beta testing is so that the widest cross section of beta testers can be possible and with as many different installations as possible.

So individual beta testers are not a requirement, beta testing is open to all and sundry.

If you would like to contact the developers then the beta page may well be the place to do so.

BTW the German developers of XAMPP are not known to read or frequent these English forums as they prefer to use the forums dedicated to their own language.
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Economic Computing » 28. July 2011 03:54

The problem with relying on unorganized, freelance testing is that you get horribly inconsistent results.

QA and testing is every bit of an IT discipline as is development itself. I could teach them how to put together a proper QA regimen, but I don't speak German so someone would have to translate.
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby ridgewood » 28. July 2011 04:03

It is with great trepidation that I post this.....

Well 'Sharley'... there is a bigger question here... you know that I have been a supporter and user of XAMPP since it was in diapers (I think you call them 'nappies' down there :)

The era of 'entitlement' and the expectation 'that everything should be free and because one 'develops' a product, they are held to the same expectations that if it were 'for profit' ...are the social norm of 'free apps'... and expectations of the 'public'...

Millions of copies of XAMPP have been downloaded... how much has ever been donated? ...it has never been monetized... it didn't follow the path of WordPress or any number of Open Source projects that went commercial. If you had a dollar for every hour you spent answering the questions of new users ... not to mention the original team and all of the hour that they dedicated... you would be wealthy...

Originally, this was a great community of people that were helping to develop and distribute a tool that has certainly been a 'God send' to me... it was also about education and the patience required to help others learn and discover... that original community is pretty much gone now... and someone today, who is just coming on the scene will never understand (nor will they care too) the legacy of XAMPP ... how much ground it broke... it existed before Firefox had to change its name from Foxfire because of copyright problems... it was truly a pioneer!!

This last version is a train wreck... trying to keep up with the exponential changes and growth of the net is a full time job now... security is in itself a full time challenge... the notion of 'community' is being lost in favor of 'social' ... it is about change... if someone needs Tomcat ... they should have enough experience to build their own stack... if someone wants to download a 'quick app' so that they can run a web server on their home computer and doesn't know about firewalls or security... they shouldn't be running it....

Anyhow, is it time for a discussion on whether XAMPP (at least in English) should continue in the face of all this complexity? ...1.7.3 will serve my needs for a long time... I for one really do not want to see XAMPP's reputation and great accomplishments tarnished ... and I like so many others, do not have the time or energy to work on the project ...so that is becoming 'endangered'.

Should we be opening up that dialogue? It is not an easy thing ... maybe it is time?
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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby JonB » 28. July 2011 11:19

@economic computing --

I'll throw this into this somewhat off-topic discussion:

The nature of the Open Source community is inherently closest to crowd-sourcing (particularly in the are of quality control). Very closely related to 'throw it our there and see what sticks'.

This last is my OPINION, not a quotation from any source and thus not subject to debate. We all know many quotations about opinions, so I won't use any of them.

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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby JonB » 28. July 2011 11:27

@ridgewood -

I agree with many of your points, particularly these ones
if someone needs Tomcat ... they should have enough experience to build their own stack... if someone wants to download a 'quick app' so that they can run a web server on their home computer and doesn't know about firewalls or security... they shouldn't be running it....

Oddly enough, I was thinking along those exact lines in the last week (and noting how little activity XAMPP on Linux gets) -- and I had a 'new project' so I did exactly that "XAMPP on Linux - Here we come' - a comparison of a traditional LAMP stack with Linux workstation + XAMMP(LAMPP)

http://bravo.newnetenterprises.com/word ... e-we-come/

Cheers, and thanks for thinking (something the 'net' might be endangering.)

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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby JonB » 28. July 2011 11:43

@Ms. Sharley

For those forum members like atl2000 and Economic Computing who have expressed the need for more testing of XAMPP before release and who would like to contribute their XAMPP skills and free time in testing new releases then please follow the instructions on this web page:


I have been beta testing Open Source projects for a while. I put in my time on 1.7.4 and found it to be a poor release, as many have noted. BUT, I also learned that the project leader (Oswald) is accountable, responsive and open-minded. There's a form specifically for feedback on the Beta's, rather than an open forum, which I would favor {open or limited}). I do know the submissions on that form are read by the project members, because I had responses e-mailed to me along with test requests. I also think there were many painful lessons learned with the parting of the ways with Herr Weidmann, and that probably contributed to the problems with 1.7.4. Hopefully those lessons will strengthen the project

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Re: *** Post 1.7.4 Issues In Here ***

Postby Economic Computing » 29. July 2011 22:41

if someone needs Tomcat ... they should have enough experience to build their own stack...

Depends on the nature of the need. I 'needed' it to investigate a project that had a JSP aspect to it to try and understand what was going on. Sadly in the real world you often do not get full/willing cooperation from all parties involved on a project due to politics, personalities, language barriers, etc.

Now, while I've been in the business for - oh, let's say a long time, don't want to date myself - I'd never had any need whatsoever to deal with JSP in any way shape or fashion. For investigative purposes, I didn't need to know the first thing about building a Tomcat stack to get the information I needed. It turned out to be useful as-is, I got the essential information I needed to move forward. In this case that the system wasn't a standard JSP system but in fact a variant, which in turn led me to find out which variant it was, and now I can converse more intelligently with my client's server team about their system and how my work (front end, on this particular project) interfaces with theirs, while at the same time demonstrating that I am capable of getting information if they do not provide it. This may seem like a pointless meatbag (to borrow a phrase) trick but in the business world it can play a very useful role in "facilitating communication".

As much as I'd like to be able to specialize in everything, the practical reality is that I cannot, I am limited by time. The skill I provide is the ability specialize in what the customer needs, when he needs it, to the degree required, in a reasonable amount of time. To a nontechnical businessperson, there is real and often substantial cost in figuring out what knowledge is needed and then to find an obtain that talent - indeed there is an entire industry built to serve just that purpose that many here are probably familiar with.

The product (XAMPP) was able to help me fill that knowledge gap in a reasonable amount of time and was therefore a worthwhile effort. In the process though I burned an extra half-hour that didn't need to be burned, due to the configuration issue, and thought it worth a mention. Testing is an essential component of risk management and while that is not necessarily a technical priority it is almost always a business priority, and a strong regimen of testing leads to wider acceptance by the business community.
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