Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

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Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby Jstall » 08. July 2011 00:53

Hello all,

I had XAMPP up and running on my Windows box and all was well when one day Apache just stopped working. When I opened the control panel and clicked start I would see the green "running" message for acouple of second and it would shut down with no apparent error message.

After Googling I found that a common cause of this is another app running on port 80. I don't have either of the usual culprits(Skype,IIS) running and when I typed netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:80 at the command prompt I got nothing back, which suggests to me that nothing is running on port 80.

Either way I thought a quick test would sort the port issue out and I changed Listen to 85 and ServerName to localhost:85 in xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf. After trying to start Apache it still didn't work but I noticed something strange: I still see the message "Apache started (port 80)" even though I have changed the configuration file.

Could anyone suggest why this is happening? I am still pretty new to webserver administration and am running out of ideas. Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby BigWetDog » 08. July 2011 02:11

open a command prompt and cd to <xampp-install-path>\apache\bin and execute httpd -T
This will tell you if something is wrong with your config. Also you can run netstat -b from the command line and see whats listening on which port.
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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby JonB » 08. July 2011 08:03

Have you looked in the Apache Error log???

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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby Jstall » 10. July 2011 14:58


Thanks for the replies. When I run httpd - T I get the message
Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. :make_sock: could not bind to address 0.0.0.:443
Unable to open logs.

The error logs don't show anything from the times I have tried to start the server but I am assuming that this is related to the "unable to open logs" part of the error I am getting.

Could anyone suggest what I could do to fix this? Any advice is very much appreciated. Thanks very much.
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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby JonB » 10. July 2011 15:24

I'm guessing there was a prior Apache installation on this machine - that's just a guess. :shock:

Have you used a real port-checker???

Good Luck
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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby Jstall » 10. July 2011 16:14


Thank you for the reply.

No there has not been a prior installation of Apache on this box, in fact the hard drive is only a month old. Could you give me an example of a "real" port checker? Does the error message mean that Apache is trying to listen on port 443 for some reason? Or am I misinterpreting it?

When I try to start Apache through the XAMPP control panel it says it is starting on port 80.

Does anyone know what is causing this? Again thank you very much for your replies, I appreciate the help here.
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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby JonB » 10. July 2011 16:56

Where did you install XAMPP (did I miss that here)???

What version of XAMPP is it???

What version of Windows???/

The 'unable to open logs' is pretty interesting also, I wonder what could be behind that. I'm trying to think of wht that might happen with a working copy of XAMPP and drawing blanks. I also can't imagine how a working copy of XAMMP would not have entries in /apache/logs/error.log and /apache/logs/access.log. I just confirmed that it will write to them the first time you fire it up. SO, I'd say something has substantially changed about your XAMPP installation (or maybe has always been wrong).

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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby Jstall » 10. July 2011 17:23


I am using version 1.7.4 on Windows 7. My xampp/apache/logs/error.log does have entries in it, just none from when the server stopped working, the last entry was made last month on June 25. Here are the last few lines of my error log
Code: Select all
[Sat Jun 25 12:56:48 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Sat Jun 25 12:56:49 2011] [notice] Child 4432: Child process is running
[Sat Jun 25 12:56:49 2011] [notice] Child 4432: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat Jun 25 12:56:49 2011] [notice] Child 4432: Starting 150 worker threads.
[Sat Jun 25 12:56:49 2011] [notice] Child 4432: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Sat Jun 25 12:56:49 2011] [notice] Child 4432: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

My access log also has entries in it that stop on June 25th.

Again the thing I find interesting is that when I modified my apache/conf/httpd.conf file to listen on port 85 it still says it is listening on port 80 on the control panel. Is it possible my Apache is using a different config file?
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Re: Apache stopped working, can't seem to change port

Postby Jstall » 10. July 2011 17:37

Ok, so because my Apache is apparently using port 443 as well as 80 I tried at the command prompt :
netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:443

and found a result:

I traced the task to some application http://www.pandonetworks.com/media-booster. Not sure how it got installed on this box but I have removed it and everything is working again. Thanks much to everyone that helped.
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