Apache is not running

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Apache is not running

Postby wefer » 01. July 2011 22:49


I installed last version of Xampp in Ubuntu 10.10, but PHP that include was not useful for me, because I need to test some scripts using PHP 5.1.6. For this, I've installed Xampp for Linux 1.5.4. Sadly, Apache seems not to work. I've tried to unistall and reinstall, inluding some different versions like Xampp 1.5.5 and 1.5.5a with same results.

When I start xampp using /opt/lampp/lampp start I receive next:

Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.5.5a...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.

but if I use /opt/lampp/lampp status I receive:

Version: XAMPP for Linux 1.5.5a
Apache is not running.
MySQL is running.
ProFTPD is running.

Trying to reload apache returns a "XAMPP: Apache isn't running..." message. Obviously, if I try to access to localhost I obtain a "404, not found". I tried another thing: to install Apache2 via Synaptic and then I obtain a message like "another daemon is running", so I decided to unistall it.

What kind of problem could cause this issue?
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Re: Apache is not running

Postby JonB » 05. July 2011 02:09

have you looked in the apache error log???

that can be pretty helpful.

Also a question - does Ubuntu 10.10 distro come with an Apache server?

IF Apache from XAMPP ISN'T running, you should not have gotten that daemon error - either Lampp/XAMPP's apache process or another IS running.

see this:
http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/show-all-r ... -in-linux/

http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki ... Web_Server

Good Luck

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Re: Apache is not running

Postby wefer » 17. July 2011 02:04

Hi again. Thanks JonB, but I'm still at the same point.

JonB wrote:have you looked in the apache error log???

I've a folder named "logs" with four files:
- acces_log . Empty
- apachestart.log . Empty
- ssl_request_log . Empty
- error_log . It's the only one with some text:

Code: Select all
[i][Sun Jul 17 02:44:20 2011] [warn] RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
[Sun Jul 17 02:44:20 2011] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `localhost' does NOT match server name!?[/i]

This warnings are repeated so many times like I've started xampp.
I tried to change file and folder permissions to 777 too, but didn't works.

JonB wrote:IF Apache from XAMPP ISN'T running, you should not have gotten that daemon error - either Lampp/XAMPP's apache process or another IS running.

I got another Apache process because I installed it using Synaptic to try if it works that way, but now it's uninstalled and I don't receive this error anymore.

It's the first time I try to install XAMPP for Linux (I've installed XAMPP for Windows several times with no problems), and I'm really sad to see how difficult could be.
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Re: Apache is not running

Postby JonB » 18. July 2011 21:42

Linux/Unix is just another learning curve. Its just flatly different, and at the OS level - there aren't many good analogies. And each 'family' of distros work differently (at a utility and desktop level) and 'keep stuff' in differnt places. So its best to find one family you want to follow.

It looks like you may have found your problem though (the extra instance of Apache).

The good news is that (other than installing and upgrading) PHP, MySQL and Apache pretty much work the same under Windows or Linux, so much of your experience is not lost. :)

When I went back to using Linux after some time off, I set up a machine and forced myself to work on it as a desktop. I've been using Unix since the 80's, and its little brother off and on for the past 10-12 years. If you don't use it all the time, it just slips away.

Good Luck
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Re: Apache is not running

Postby wefer » 19. July 2011 01:48

JonB wrote:It looks like you may have found your problem though (the extra instance of Apache).

Thanks JonB, but I solved only the error "another daemon is running". But main problem, Apache not running, it's still there and I don't know what to do :cry:

Anyway, it's hard to use Linux after using Windows for nearly 20 years, but really amazing. The problem (for me) it's the lack of some kind of software (Adobe suite, Microsoft Office and games). I know there exists free alternatives like Gimp or LibreOffice, but it's clear that this kind of Windows programs are better than the Linux ones.
But we are now off topic...
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Re: Apache is not running

Postby wefer » 23. July 2011 01:04

Nobody can help me?
Seems like I must return to Windows... :cry:
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