I installed XAMP correctly but it doesn`t work!

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

I installed XAMP correctly but it doesn`t work!

Postby Anatoliy » 29. June 2011 06:33

Hi! i`n new there, I use OpenSuSe 11.2
i read about XAMPP and try to install it for Linux, i download it
and extracted it in /opt: tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz -C /opt

in terminal i run apache: bash lampp start
and i see the message:
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.4...
lampp: line 135: lampp: command not found
lampp: line 136: lampp: command not found
lampp: line 137: lampp: command not found
XAMPP for linux started.
But Apache and MySQL no started!
If type command bash lampp startapache
then Apache start normally
but by typing bash lampp startmysql
MySQL not starts!
and if i stop all xampp services by command

bash lampp stop

again i see the errors:

lampp: line 305: lampp: command not found
lampp: line 306: lampp: command not found
lampp: line 352: lampp: command not found

it`s all very strange cause i did all right as said in instructions on http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html
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Re: I installed XAMP correctly but it doesn`t work!

Postby Anatoliy » 29. June 2011 06:57

And i forget to say what Apache started by the bash lampp startapache
i receive:
lampp: line 202: lampp: command not found
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL...

and if try to open XAMPP page http://localhost through any browser it
open to me this:

if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$uri = 'https://';
} else {
$uri = 'http://';
$uri .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
header('Location: '.$uri.'/xampp/');
Something is wrong with the XAMPP installation :-(

when i stop apache by the command bash lampp stopapache

it gives me this:

XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
lampp: line 376: lampp: command not found
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Joined: 29. June 2011 05:50

Re: I installed XAMP correctly but it doesn`t work!

Postby Anatoliy » 29. June 2011 08:58

I already understand that on this forum nobody want to help others i solve this problem myself:

It`s just need to compilate the script lampp by command chmod:

chmod 555 lampp

and run script - ./lampp start

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Re: I installed XAMP correctly but it doesn`t work!

Postby JonB » 05. July 2011 02:26


It isn't that no one wants to help, its that there are relatively few XAMPP/lampp installs as most Linux server distros have most of the stack already built. Just look at the number of Topics on the Board, compared with Windows.

In my case (as I point out in a another post), I lost both my openSUSE and Fedora servers a couple months ago and have not replaced them... So no place to tinker around.

I'm going to solve that with Virtualizing, I just have to learn a new one, as Virtual Box is as dead as Solaris - I sure can't pick winners on the Linux side, LOL.

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