Apache config Win/OSX with site on Win, schwerig

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Apache config Win/OSX with site on Win, schwerig

Postby the_wanderer » 05. May 2011 21:45


My dev box is macbook pro with latest OSX, dual boot to Win7 Ult 64.

I setup apache2,perl,SSL, php,sql in Win with no problems and website sandbox is on the NTFS partition.

on OSX side, apache2 runs and I have the DocumentRoot to pointed to


NTFS-3G runs fine, I can read/write to win partition but apache is still looking for the doc in Site folder?

also I have named the

ServerName localhost

so in any browser if I type in http://localhost the site on the NTFS should be pointed to and loaded but it doesn't work.

in the apache log i get

[client] File does not exist: /Volumes/Mac_Daddy/docs/web_curr/public_html/urchin.js, referer: http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/php/

when i type http://localhost in chrome i get that "It works" but it doesn't.

and OSX sharing thinks the address is 192.xxxx/~user WTF is going on???

do i need to set a hard link in the user's site?? force in the hosts file??

mac hosts file looks like localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

any help kindly appreciated.
Posts: 2
Joined: 05. May 2011 21:41

Re: Apache config Win/OSX with site on Win, schwerig

Postby the_wanderer » 05. May 2011 23:55

Thanks, I found the problem.

please close post
Posts: 2
Joined: 05. May 2011 21:41

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