Xampp working but localhost and don't [SOLVED]

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp working but localhost and don't [SOLVED]

Postby AlpDmr » 20. April 2011 19:59

Hi all, this is my first message and i am sorry to my first message is about a problem..
Let me explain it:
couple of days before, Xampp 1.7.3 (Windows 7 Ultimate) was working very well but i don't know why, it stopeed to work.
I've searched many place for way to solving procedure but none of them is worked.

My situation :
    Xampp Control Panel works and it shows both Apache and mysql are runing (both as service) but when i enter http://localhost - https://localhost - as url (Firefox4 (default) , IE9, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Netscape even Maxthon, Flock, Avant and TheWorld browsers :shock: (because i'm developing web systems :D )) Firefox tells me that "Unable to connect to localhost server."
    I'am not using Skype
    I used to use TeamViewer, but because of it stoped to work at the same time with Xampp , i've uninstall (i just thought that Teamviewer can be conflict but noting happened after uninstall)
    I tried to use "Microsoft Visual Web Developer" and it installed MS SQL onto my Machine but i uninstalled completely with all sub-products. (This may be trick).
    I can access my computer by ComputerName on lacal area network.

I tried these
    I tried that, un/reinstall 1.7.3, then uninstall and try 1.7.4 and finally now i'am tring with 1.7.5 (beta) (all were installed as administrator)
    I tried that, closing Firewall (Standart MS Firewall / i've checked that both apache and mysql are allowed to comunicate).
    I tried that, closing Antivirus (MS Security Essentials) even by closing both Firewall and Antivirus.
    I tried that, eleminate this problem with Regedit ( HKLM > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > HTTP > NoRun = 1) hack to prevent http.sys file execution
I tried that, add both incoming/outgoing rules manually in Windows Firewall for Apache & mysql entries for both TCP and UDP. (as described like http://www.sevenforums.com/software/22151-xampp-not-working-windows-7-a.html#post1110032)

I've checked these:
    In my host file there is a " localhost" string without sharp prefix (between and localhost there is only one character blank- not tab).
    In my httpd.conf file "Listen 80" exists already.( I tried that, change this with Listen *.80 or any other number - such as 85, 8080 )
    While i controlled PID values for ports listening with netstat, (TCP) port is listening by Apache 2.2 and (TCP) port is listening by mysql. (while i stop apache and mysql then both these ports are empty/not swowed in netstat screen - i mean there is no any software that stoles 80 port )
    When i check the status (within control Panel of Xampp), Xampp says that:
    Code: Select all
    httpd State 1 Service 1 Start 0 Thread 0 Op 0 Port 80
    mysql State 1 Service 1 Start 0 Thread 0 Op 0 Port 3306
    In netstat results page there are some (UDP) entries (Divx Updater, Sidebar etc..)

But no way out :(
There is a situation that may be interesting, when i execute SCM (Service Manager) i see that, while Apache 2.2 and mysql are started (automatic starting), Xampp Service is not running (automatic starting) and when i tried to start by hand SCM said me that :
Xampp Service is started and stopped, if some services don't used by other software or services, can be stopped automatically (Translated by me because it is Turkish).

Ok, Thank you in advance for your helps..
Last edited by AlpDmr on 25. April 2011 13:48, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6
Joined: 20. April 2011 15:10

Re: Xampp working but localhost and don't

Postby AlpDmr » 20. April 2011 20:16

I am so sory, i've saved this post as a draft then after some corrections and additions, i've published but i don't know why, post is published under Xampp for Linux automatically but it should be under Xampp for Windows.
Can anyone move it to there ?
Posts: 6
Joined: 20. April 2011 15:10

Re: Xampp working but localhost and don't

Postby WilliL » 20. April 2011 20:42

just an idea: perhaps there's been a windows upgrade

Have a look to "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS"
it should look like:
Code: Select all
#     ::1      localhost      #  IPv6 die Adresse ::1       localhost              # IPv4

but check first in browser: and http://::1
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Re: Xampp working but localhost and don't

Postby AlpDmr » 20. April 2011 21:26

Thank you but No, it doesn't work.
Posts: 6
Joined: 20. April 2011 15:10

Re: Xampp working but localhost and don't

Postby AlpDmr » 24. April 2011 22:54

I've solved the problem..
Posts: 6
Joined: 20. April 2011 15:10

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