Problem with cab files

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Problem with cab files

Postby craygo » 06. April 2011 14:19

I have SuSE linux running apache2. I am trying to embed dwf files for my local intranet. We have a slow internet connection so I would like to store the CAB file for the active X install locally instead of downloading it over the internet. Here is my code. I am running some javascript so the code is between the script tags

Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<OBJECT ID="ADR" CLASSID="clsid:A662DA7E-CCB7-4743-B71A-D817F6D575DF" CODEBASE="./" > <PARAM NAME="Src" VALUE="'+sheet+'"></OBJECT>');

I know the code works because I already have the install on my local box so the dwf shows up fine. It is on PC's that do not have the install that the problem occurs.

When I go to the page I get a box with the red X. If I try to go directly to the cab file I get an Error 404, Object not found. If I try to go to the developers site I am able to actually download the file... ...

So for some reason it seems like apache does not recognize the cab file.

Thanks for your help

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Joined: 06. April 2011 14:09

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