php does not parse html files

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

php does not parse html files

Postby rmuekno » 23. March 2011 10:48

i am normally running ?AMPP on Windows and my production servers are on Linux. I changed from Window to MAC and so to XAMPP. I hae some historic code that has to be revised in case of depricated functions and I want to test ist on XAMPP before going to production Unfortunatly the code files are not .php but .html.
Under windows and Linux i could solve this in /etc/php5.conf by adding AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html.
Under XAMPP I do not find a correspondig file or or a place where this could be defined.
Tanks for any help in advance
Best regards
Posts: 3
Joined: 22. March 2011 22:14

Re: php does not parse html files

Postby MegaChriz » 29. March 2011 08:20

You could define this in:
There is a line there that let .php to be recognised as php:
Code: Select all
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4

But it could be defined also in any .conf file that is included by httpd.conf
Posts: 158
Joined: 16. February 2009 15:04
Location: Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Operating System: Mac OS X

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