404 Error on server

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404 Error on server

Postby socketboy » 05. March 2011 06:00

I've setup xmapp on unbuntu 10.10, and I'm trying to install a media server package, but I can't get it to work.

At first I just had all of the files in the htdocs folder, but when I went to localhost, it ignored the index.php and went straight to xmapp default page.
If I tried to type in a specific name of a file, I got a 404.

I then removed these files, and created a sub-directory named media. Now when I go to localhost/media I get a 404, same thing if I try to put in any specific file names.

Basically, it is acting as if the files aren't there, and I can't figure out why.

Any suggestions?
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Re: 404 Error on server

Postby glitzi85 » 06. March 2011 14:48


Maybe you should tell us what you try to install. This will speed up the help process.

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Re: 404 Error on server

Postby socketboy » 06. March 2011 15:29

I was going to try to install http://en.jinzora.com/
There are tons of files with that, and sub directories, but nothing shows up....
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Re: 404 Error on server

Postby glitzi85 » 06. March 2011 15:50

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Re: 404 Error on server

Postby socketboy » 06. March 2011 21:19

Basically, first I tried extracting all of the files in just the htdocs folder, so no jinzora-3.0 folder.
When I couldn't access any of the files there, I created the media sub directory

so now I should be able to hit up localhost/media and that is where all the files are.
But, that just gives me the 404 - no file list.
I can browse to the files both in the GUI and command line, but xampp acts as if they didn't exist.
I've already re-installed xampp once as well.
Very strange problem. I've got xampp working fine on my windows machine.

I'm running it with sudo - so it shouldn't be a permissions thing, and like I said, it loads the xampp default page.

I have no clue, all I can think is to wipe it out and give one more fresh install start.

Otherwise might have to go another direction with my media server.

Thanks for the suggestions!
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Re: 404 Error on server

Postby glitzi85 » 07. March 2011 10:49

How did you extract the files? You know that files with a dot in the first place like .htaccess are normally not visible to users! So did you really extract ALL files?

Simply download the tar.gz file and extract it in this way:

Code: Select all
tar xvfz jinzora-3.0.tar.gz -C /opt/lampp/htdocs/

and then go to http://localhost/jinzora-3.0/

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