Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

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Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

Postby cangrejero » 25. February 2011 19:46

I apologize for posting here. I'm not even sure if there is an area here where this post would fit. I'm a 62 year-old Hispanic just looking for some help.

Thanks to you guys, I was able to install XAMPP and Wordpress (multisites) in my Windows 7 PC. I've never had any problem with either. I took a linux-type hosting account with GoDaddy, where I upped my son's blog (""). This is an exact replica of what I have in XAMPP.

My problem is that, with XAMPP, I'm able to see the header image for the blog. However, at "" I'm not. Perhaps one of you advanced users can help me. I'm totally baffled. Thanks!!!
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Re: Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

Postby Sharley » 25. February 2011 22:55

What is the name of your header image and what is the path in the html used in XAMPP that shows the image and what is the path in the html at GD that does not show the image?

XAMPP paths may be slightly different than those required at GD.

Make sure that your paths are all full paths not relative or absolute:
Full paths like this that can be accessed both in XAMPP and at GD

not these that may not work in XAMPP but may work at GD.

Clear as mud, eh? :)
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Re: Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

Postby cangrejero » 26. February 2011 05:47

The name of the image: headerBackground.png
Path in the html (CSS) used in XAMPP: div#header {background-image: url(images/headerBackground.png) !important;}
Path in the html (CSS) used in GD: div#header {background-image: url(images/headerBackground.png) !important;}

Have tried ... ground.png with GD to no avail.

Thanks for the guidance!
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Re: Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

Postby Sharley » 26. February 2011 07:41

This path would have to be in the web root folder of your WP installation
Code: Select all
div#header {background-image: url(images/headerBackground.png) !important;}
In XAMPP it would most likely be in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp\images\headerBackground.png but only you could know that as the path you posted indicates it's location.

When I look at the stylesheet located on the link you provided in your first post on the GD server I see the path to your background image includes the folders of your XAMPP installation - htdocs/wp - which would not be found on your GD server in fact it gives a 404 error.
/* css related to the HEADER DIV */
left: 0;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url("") !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
You could check the error.log file in your GD hosting control panel, if GD has such an essential tool. ;)

So perhaps when the URL is being rewritten by the .htaccess file it can't seem to get a handle on those XAMPP folders - but that's only a guess but I do know that WP makes extensive use of mod_rewrite in a .htaccess file in the web root folder of it's installation.

Your paths are where I would start to investigate this issue and of course to make sure the background image is indeed located in the correct location in the tree structure of your GD server.

Try and change the image URL in the style sheet to be the full url of the location of the background image on GD server and see if it finds and loads it then.

You will have to try and experiment using the info above as a guide and I would appreciate it if you could post back if you eventually find and solve this definite path related issue.

Good luck.
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Re: Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

Postby cangrejero » 26. February 2011 18:45

Dear Sharley:

Thanks for all your advice. Really appreciated.

I've tried all your suggestions and, while it has been a learning experience, the image is still absent. I'm waiting for input from GoDaddy but I'm beginning to suspect it's a WordPress issue. The latter is an excellent product but support is almost non-existent. It's like having a deaf brother and you don't know sign language.

What baffles me is that I'm able to achieve the desired result @ "".

You bet that I will post the solution if and when I solve the issue.

The best to you and yours!!!
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Re: Background Image shows in Xampp but not GoDaddy

Postby cangrejero » 27. February 2011 03:43

The final solution ... placing the image in the root aka "background: url(headerBackground.png) no-repeat center;".
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