XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Re: XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Postby ulisse » 01. February 2011 16:07

I'm a newby foe xampp.
I was working with its to use joomla.
With 1.74 is impossible for a lot of error when you istall mysql database. so for joomla it's preferred to use 1.73 version.
You should write this in faq for xampp if you can.


when you have services like iis installed, apache doesn't run and you don't have any messages. So isn't true this:

http://www.apachefriends.org/en/faq-xam ... ml#nostart - The apache does not start on my system!!!, n.1, but only you have only that apache doesn't run.



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Re: XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Postby simon_a6 » 01. February 2011 16:11

I did once get Apache and IIS to run on Vista at the same time.
I've no idea how I did it now. But was XAMPP running apache, and Windows running IIS.

I still have people telling me my code was wrong. Odd really, when 1.7.3 never brought them up.
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Re: XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Postby RossK » 19. February 2011 03:00

I upgraded from XP Pro to Windows 7 changed from Apache server to XAMPP Server
Code worked with no errors with Apache on XP machine prior to upgrade

Error Message:
Notice: Undefined index: injury_type in C:\xampp\htdocs\victim19b.php on line 73

Same error message for all the $_POST in the code

Line 6 <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="POST">
Line 54 <select name="injury_type">
Line 55 <option value ="Trauma" > Trauma</option>
Line 55 <option value ="Trauma & Medical" > Trauma & Medical</option></select><br>
Line 73 $injury_type=$_POST["injury_type"]; //input injury type

Note I tired "injury_type " and 'injury_type' using double quotes " " or single quotes' ' get the same error

Where can I get information on XAMPP error messages or has anyone seen this error
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Re: XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Postby WilliL » 19. February 2011 18:35

hi RossK,

this is not a problem of XAMPP, it's a problem of code, when you use PHP_SELF and some variables aren't declared..
Its a NOTICE, not an error ;)

On first call, there is no $_POST arry.

~E_NOTICE means: don't show notice ...

In XAMPP 1.7.3, php.ini -> error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED // you will not see a notice or used deprecated functions of php
In XAMPP 1.7.4, php.ini -> error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT // you see all error, OMO the better way

You can extend your code by another check like
Code: Select all
if (isset($_POST["injury_type"])) {
    your code
} else {
  initialize variables

html form

btw I would spread the script in differnet parts: htmlpart.php validatepart.php
submit in htmlpart.php will call validatepart.php
validatepart.php will include( htmlpart.php) if neccessary
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Operating System: Win7Home Prem 64 SP1

Re: XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Postby RossK » 19. February 2011 20:35

Thanks for the quick response

Just so I understand correctly I need to have a the following code for each of the POST or GETS I have in the code..

if (isset($_POST["injury_type"])) {
your code
} else {
initialize variables

I am very new to coding- this was my first program- It is very flat all code is in one file. Future versions should put code in different files.

Since I am new to coding I do not have any bad programming habits I also do not have any good programming habits...

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Re: XAMPP 1.7.4 doesn't work well.

Postby WilliL » 20. February 2011 13:30

not every variable, you have to check: is it the first time, your script is called and in this case you have to define/initialize the variables :!:

Code: Select all
.. script ..
if (!isset($_POST['submit']))  {  // on first call submit button can't be pressed
    .. initialize variables, used in html form ..
} else {
    .. current script ..
.. html form ..
Variable should be declared/initialized before use, or you'll get an E_NOTICE, if activated in error_reporting.

on my experiences you'll get a horrible script for later redesign ;),
it'll grow and grow .. at last you have to rewrite it to get it well-arranged.

hint: $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] can be corrupted - possible security hole - have a search in i-net.

Code: Select all
// my preference, you don't have a compicate firstcall check
// startscript.php
     $action_tag = "http://localhost/anotherscript.php";
//     if (!isset($include_it)){                             // only needed, if anotherscript.php will include startscript.php
          $var1 = 'initial';
          $var2 = 'initial';
//     }                                                     // only needed, if anotherscript.php will include startscript.php
... html ...
<form action=<?php echo $action_tag; ?>  method="POST">;
... html ...
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Joined: 08. January 2010 10:54
Operating System: Win7Home Prem 64 SP1


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