MOD_REWRITE module Loaded but NOT working

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MOD_REWRITE module Loaded but NOT working

Postby KONEY » 08. December 2010 00:55

Hi all!

I just installed xampp beta as I need PHP 5.3.3 on Vista 64bit

I cannot get the rewrite to work even if its loaded:

Code: Select all
Loaded Modules   core mod_win32 mpm_winnt http_core mod_so mod_actions mod_alias mod_asis mod_auth_basic mod_auth_digest mod_authn_default mod_authn_file mod_authz_default mod_authz_groupfile mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_autoindex mod_cgi mod_dav mod_dav_fs mod_dav_lock mod_dir mod_env mod_headers mod_include mod_info mod_isapi mod_log_config mod_mime mod_negotiation mod_proxy mod_proxy_ajp mod_rewrite mod_setenvif mod_ssl mod_status mod_php5 mod_perl

I tried all the possible tutorials on the internet, basically they all say to un-comment the "" on the httpd.conf (which is already) and to change the "AllowOverride" setting to "all" but I can't really get the thing to work. I just keep getting a "Object not found!" message anytime I try to access a page that should be re-written.

I am sure the .htacess is there and that is correct because all the site I am testing comes from an online site that is working ok with .htacess and mod_rewrite. The rest of the site works ok!

anyone has any clue? I am getting really stuck on this, and need to make some changes to this site locally :(((

thanx in advance
Posts: 2
Joined: 08. December 2010 00:44

Re: MOD_REWRITE module Loaded but NOT working

Postby Nobbie » 08. December 2010 10:13

KONEY wrote:I just keep getting a "Object not found!" message anytime I try to access a page that should be re-written.

Basically, that means that mod_rewrite is installed, activated and working correctly. Otherwise you would have received a Server Error 500. Try to force a Server Error 500 by typing nonsense into .htaccess (blablablbla) - if you dont get a Server Error, your .htaccess file is ignored.

KONEY wrote:am sure the .htacess is there and that is correct because all the site I am testing comes from an online site that is working ok with .htacess and mod_rewrite.

That does not mean anything! The server may have completely different pathnames etc. which will work correctly with that .htaccess, but your local server may fail.

KONEY wrote:anyone has any clue?

See above. Enter some nonsense code into .htaccess, if you dont get Server Error you must find out why .htaccess is ignored, but if you get Server Error, everything is installed and working correctly but simply the RewriteRules/Conds are not matching your local server. You may also look into the error_log, if the Rewrite Code is ignored due to wrong server configuration (but "AllowOverride All" should allow URL Rewriting)
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Re: MOD_REWRITE module Loaded but NOT working

Postby KONEY » 08. December 2010 23:59

Nobbie wrote:See above. Enter some nonsense code into .htaccess, if you dont get Server Error you must find out why .htaccess is ignored, but if you get Server Error, everything is installed and working correctly but simply the RewriteRules/Conds are not matching your local server. You may also look into the error_log, if the Rewrite Code is ignored due to wrong server configuration (but "AllowOverride All" should allow URL Rewriting)

You were right! I made a test folder and explicity wrote some htacess code and it works. Thanx so much! :mrgreen:
Posts: 2
Joined: 08. December 2010 00:44

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