... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 22. November 2010 21:20

No - I have three or four machines with XAMMP for Windows - but I don't use any of the old versions. I actaully have XAMPP Portable and XAMPP lite running as well, all version 1.7.3.

AND - to set up an old version would mean not running it in its defaults (c:\xampp, - I'd have to 'push off' a working copy) - so I wouldn't know if relocating things was going to work right or not. I'm going to cheat today and make a computer at work swallow an old 1.7.1 install, I think - I'll have to erase it when done.

I didn't run XAMPP until about a year ago, when their Perl offering became 'acceptable' to have 'home' users test and deploy personal projects on (i'm part of an Open Source Perl Forum project). I used to use WAMP for development in PHP, but XAMPP does 'both' now - YAY! For 'real life', I have two Linux (1 Fedora 11, 1 Centos 5) and three windows (2 W2K3, 1 W2K8) 'true servers' - but none of them run XAMPP, Its either the distribution's LAMP stack or IIS + PHP + Active States Perl & python + MySQL :) I'm a systems and data architect/developer.

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 22. November 2010 21:48

I have my answers - I extracted the installation process, (there were multiple add-in versions)

All the Perl add-ins are incomplete 'pieces' from Active States' distirbution. :shock:

Sooo - now I have to ponder a bit - I won't be too long...

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 26. November 2010 22:49

OK - I still have to write up all the things I did - and make sure I am not speaking with forked-tongue

BUT - it appears I was able to transplant the XAMPP 1.7.3 Perl into XAMPP 1.7.1, there are some functionality limitations I believe - particularly with the xampp-setup and mod_perl.

I did get the major thing to work - I was able to use ppm.bat without drawing an error.

I'll re-edit this post later with more info.

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 27. November 2010 10:56

Oh !

But there is no perl complement for the version 1.7.3 because it is integrated with !

Or by the recovery the files of the version 1.7.3 more some files editions ?

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 29. November 2010 17:45

OK - here's the deal -

This will result in a reasonably proper installation of the Perl 10.1 that is distributed with XAMPP 1.7.3 being installed in a XAMMP 1.7.1 basic default installation (installation folder is c:\xampp).

This is NOT for the average XAMPP user, and comes with NO assurance you will get the same results.

Information and underlying assumptions, for better or worse.

The Perl add-on that was distributed with earlier versions of XAMPP was built around an incomplete suite of components associated with the ActiveStates Perl distributions. It is also apparently known as 'mini-perl'. Its a bare-bones Perl that is highly dependent on mod_perl. Because its built around the ActiveStates distributions, its' DLL's will be incompatible with the 'fully integrated' Perl that comes with XAMPP 1.7.2+. The binaries for the 'XAMPP' Perl were compiled by Carsten Weidmann using Perl.org source with the Microsft Visual C++ 6 compiler so they would be fully compatible with the Apache binaries in the XAMPP distribution (mostly for mod_perl).

The XAMPP Perl includes a full suite of tools in the form of batch files, many adapted from the Linux oriented scripts. I have really only tested two of them, both aimed at library/repository maintenance; ppm.bat (an ActiveStates repository manager) with functionality similar to AS's PPM.EXE, and cpan.bat (a Windows CPAN script clone). These two tools are aimed at maintaining Perl Modules. Perl Modules are basically libraries/methods implemented in Perl. There is one BIG hidden element for average users. Perl Modules CAN use embedded C routines. IF a module's source includes raw C, its going to have to be compiled. This is where CPAN gets really tricky, its really designed for the Linux environment. Its purpose is to fetch the code, then build, make, install and test - just like on Linux. Bad news for most - this is next to impossible to debug, unless you want to get your hands dirty, really dirty. The breakpoint is getting to grips with 'nmake.exe', and understanding dependency trees. PPM (because its aimed at already ActiveStates pre-built {compiled} components) goes right around that issue. So you are most likely to get results with PPM. (I have IIS servers that run ActiveStates Perl and Python, very fine products - and am thus pretty familiar with it.)

things are are UNLIKELY TO WORK.

After this 'fix' - mod_perl and ASP for Apache will probably just not work. They are both dependent on Perl that is handled by the mod_perl Apache extension, and I found that Apache just won't start if the mod_perl version is different from the base Apache executable.

OK - the fix.

First - download the 1.7.3 ZIP archive of XAMPP. The installer won't work for your purpose. Use 7Zip to extract it into a folder on your desktop. We will be using the 'xampp\perl' folder contents later. This is why this fix only works with C:\xampp installations. When you extract the files for Perl, they are defaulted to c:\xampp. If you want to do something else, be prepared to go looking for for fixes in the Apache .conf files, and probably some of the batch files also.

Second - disable mod_perl in your current 1.7.1 installation. You can do this by running 'setup_xampp.bat' which is found in the C:\xampp folder.

Third - Shut down XAMPP, and rename the c:\xampp\perl folder to c:\xampp\mini-perl. This has the effect of making those files inaccessible to the XAMPP batch files, and any installed Perl scripts. Don't restart XAMPP.

Fourth - Copy the entire \xammp\perl folder and its contents from the xampp folder on your desktop to the root of c:\xampp. XAMPP is unaware you are pulling a switcherooo. The Perl executable name for both versions is the same: c:\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe, so you shouldn't have to fix any Perl Script "shebang lines" - which should be:
Code: Select all

There are 'leftovers' involved here - specifically the 'mini-perl' folder and the files 'under' \xampp\htdocs\modperl and \xampp\htdocs\modperlasp. What you do with them is optional - I usually just move folders to an 'out_of_use' folder or rename them to xxxx.old or xxxxxxx.bad so I know they are out of date, that way if I find I broke something, its not too ugly. If you want things 'informational', you probably want to copy in these two files from the 1.7.3 htdocs\xampp folder; perl.pl and perlinfo.pl.

OTAY! - that should do it. You should be able to start Apache now.

Look in the perl\lib folder AND use the perlinfo.pl pages to see what is already installed. If you DON'T understand repositories, now is the time to learn about them (they are a 'Linuxy/Unixy' kind of concept). each time you use these tools - you are building a repository/library of your own - you can actually mirror the repositories, that's what those "." dot folders are for --

The last article explains about the compiler issue briefly.

Specific to this thread - Multiplex, for your validator, I'd get a list of dependencies, and research them with PPM (look for the PPM repositories in the Wikipedia item) , you will probably find everything you need, as ActiveStates is the 'default' standard for Perl on Windows,

Please, Please - Keep NOTES! (particularly what you needed) and let me know for sure how it works out - I'll write up a Guide with your help on installing the W3C Validator.

Good Luck, Multiplex.
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 29. November 2010 21:21

Is it preferable that I leave from an installation of xampp 1.7.1 without the original addons of perl or with ?

I have to redo the installation of xampp because at present xampp is not directly in the root of c:/xampp but c:/folder/xampp !

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 29. November 2010 22:13

Hi -

I think you should install the Perl add-in as that should do all the fixes to the Apache.conf files for you. Then make sure mod_perl is off by running the setup_xampp.bat.

Does that make sense???

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 30. November 2010 08:59


Yes! I am going to try to make it today and I hold you informed.

Kind regards.
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 30. November 2010 19:12


I begin little to discourage, having followed points 1 to 4 I am in there:
OTAY! - that should do it. You should be able to start Apache now.

Look in the perl\lib folder AND use the perlinfo.pl pages to see what is already installed.

But it seems that between the version 1.7.3 and the version 1.7.1 certain files are not any more in the same places !

When I use xampp 1.7.1 in its original configuration in the left menu of the homepage I have a link " Module_Perl " which allows me to (show the following page :
PERL 5.10.0
Apache module: PERL/2.0.4
Extensions: .pl
Document root: \htdocs\modperl\
Configuration files: \apache\conf\perl.conf + \apache\conf\startup.pl
Examples: \htdocs\modperl\modperl.pl | Alias: http://localhost/perl/modperl.pl

Extensions: .asp
Document root: \htdocs\modperlasp\
Configuration files: \apache\conf\perl.conf
Examples: \htdocs\modperlasp\loop.asp | Alias: http://localhost/asp/loop.asp

Extensions: .cgi
Document root: \cgi-bin\
Configuration files: \apache\conf\httpd.conf
Examples: \cgi-bin\perltest.cgi | Alias: http://localhost/cgi-bin/perltest.cgi

PerlInfo(): http://localhost/perl/perlinfo.pl

PerlInfo() works only when mod_perl is activated!

My question is thus the following one: how to make works perlinfo.pl or (Module Perl) when the perl folder of the version 1.7.1 was replaced by that of the version 1.7.3 and the mod_perl is deactivated ?

At the moment, I did not go farther...

Could you run the validator w3c performing these manipulations?

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