... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

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... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 18. November 2010 16:09

Hi everybody !

First of all this after my configuration:

Windows 7 64 bits
XAMPP 1.7.1 + xampp-win32-perl-addon-5.10.0-2.2.11-pl 2-installer.exe

I try to install the W3C validator by following the recommendations of the editor in the following link:


I use cpan.bat in the perl/bin file, ppm.bat not being present !

When I try to install a module I have following message:

CPAN.pm: Going to build A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-1.9402.tar.gz

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
... Detected uninstalled Perl. Trying to continue.
Have C:\Serveur\xampp\perl\lib\Config.pm expected C:\perl\lib\Config.pm
Writing Makefile for CPAN
Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable.
"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\nmake.EXE" -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
ANDK/CPAN-1.9402.tar.gz : make NO

I do not want to change the distribution and want to stay with the 1.7.1 for reasons of compatibility with several sites in development.

What is that a well-meaning soul could help me?

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 18. November 2010 16:35

the Validator link you posted is either incomplete or out of date.

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 18. November 2010 16:58


Just because of the H !!!


Sorry !
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 18. November 2010 20:47

OK -

The 'problem' is that the 'installer' was written for an Active States Perl installation.

There are LOTS of things additionally that may also not work. Such as 'make', etc. If there are environment calls (use of the PATH to locate things) - that will need fixing almost for sure, as XAMPP is both registry and PATH neutral/agnostic. The validator installation was adapted first from Linux/Unix scripts over to Windows to fit using the ActiveStates defaults and utilities - such as PPM (PerlPackageManager). XAMPP uses the Perl.org (Larry Wall) distributions which have their own peculiar logic and their own adaptations of scripts. If you haven't already, I would search this forum for Perl questions (in general). The good news is, that even if the script does not work 100% - Perl's module methods often mean you can simply 'place' the files in the proper locations, and (as they are all text files) modify them as needed. I'm not saying that is a simple task - just saying it is usually do-able.

The script needs to be pulled part for dependencies, and each one resolved. I hope you are interested in challenges, LOL.

I'll look at the script when my schedule allows, if you like.

I am very curious why you want to run your own validator anyway...

Good Luck
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 18. November 2010 21:47

Does it mean that it is Strawberry Perl who is used for the version of XAMPP under Windows ? As mentioned on the perl.org site ? :?

Would it be possible to install ActivePerl separately and patch it with XAMPP so that it works ? :lol:

If yes, there is a tutorial on this subject or if not it would be possible to please tilt you (apachefriends) on the problem ? :roll:

I make reference to the validator for this problem, but I think it can be the same problem for another application !

I wish to use the W3C validator in localhost because I often develop without having necessarily an access to internet to visit the on-line W3C validator !

And then, when to propose a Perl solution with XAMPP (for Windows) as much as it works correctly ! :)

We are condemned Windows's users for this outcome !? :evil:

Sorry for my bad French guy english !!! :oops:

Thanks again

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 19. November 2010 01:42

Would it be possible to install ActivePerl separately and patch it with XAMPP so that it works ?

I took a whack (try) at something like that last year with both WAMP and XAMMP - did not work. I didn't know at that time nearly as much about either Apache or XAMMP as I do now, but its probably still a recipe for disaster. The only difference is that I know where to look for troubles now. :lol:

As for the Perl that is shipped with XAMMP - its probably 'XAMMP' compiled - it has the Perl.org camel, and if you get the properties - its author signature is Carsten Weidman. (bad news there - he is history as far as I know). I don't think it is Strawberry Perl - the description of functioanilty seems wrong to me.

As for your reason to run your own validator - that exactly matches what I thought - so I know and understand what you want to do.

I have a question - do you have mod_perl enabled or not???

What other Perl problems/applications were you referring to???

I'm doing some research in the next couple of days on this...

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 19. November 2010 09:40

I have a question - do you have mod_perl enabled or not???

On the XAMPP menu "Module Perl"

Examples: \htdocs\modperl\modperl.pl | Alias: http://localhost/perl/modperl.pl

I obtain that :

PERL 5.010000 + mod_perl/2.0.4

Directory for MOD PERL => [..] \xampp\htdocs\modperl => http://localhost/perl/modperl.pl

Directory for PERL ASP => [..] \xampp\htdocs\perlasp => http://localhost/asp/loop.asp

Available drivers are:

I thus suppose that mod_perl works ! :?

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 20. November 2010 20:12

OK - I'm thinking through a solution for you.

My FIRST question is - what is the signature of your perl.exe, and what folder is perl.exe in presently???

My SECOND question is - what is the Perl handler info from your Apache conf files???

I think I will have good news for you...

JonB is thinking on overtime...
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 20. November 2010 20:15

Would it be possible to install ActivePerl separately and patch it with XAMPP so that it works ?

I may have just figured this one out too, :shock: but it would be a lot more work - I think (right now)

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 20. November 2010 23:33

read this -


I'm still hoping for that information - I may have a solution,

Good Luck
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 21. November 2010 09:55


My FIRST question is - what is the signature of your perl.exe, and what folder is perl.exe in presently???

What you mean abaut the signature of perl.exe ? The installed perl.exe is the one of package (xampp-win32-perl-addon-5.10.0-2.2.11-pl2-installer.exe) at this link :
http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/f ... e/download
and the folder where is present perl.exe is the following one :

My SECOND question is - what is the Perl handler info from your Apache conf files???

In C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf in the end of the file, I have :
Include conf/extra/perl.conf
and in the file perl.conf as follow :
LoadFile "C:/xampp/perl/bin/perl510.dll"
LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

PerlRequire "C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/startup.pl"

#### Only for NT + w2k + XP Professional ####
#<Files *.pl>
#SetHandler perl-script
#PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
#Options +ExecCGI
#PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

#<Files ~ (\.asp)>
# SetHandler perl-script
# PerlHandler Apache::ASP
# PerlSetVar Global .
# PerlSetVar StateDir "C:/Serveur/xampp/tmp"

Alias /perl "C:/xampp/htdocs/modperl/"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/modperl/">
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

<Files *.pl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

PerlModule Apache::ASP
Alias /asp "C:/xampp/htdocs/modperlasp/"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/modperlasp/">
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global .
PerlSetVar StateDir "C:/xampp/tmp"

I am impatient of knowledge which are these good news ! :lol:

I look at the topic in question in your last message and still thank you for your investment. :wink:
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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 21. November 2010 19:11

You get the signature of an executable in Windows Explorer

go to xammp\perl\bin
- select the perl.exe file;
- Right click
- Properties
Use the Version and Digital Signature tabs.

That info will tell us the exact Perl version, what source was used and who compiled it.

it would be useful get a directory of perl\bin - just paste it into a PM if you want,

(good tip on that) http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1177279

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 22. November 2010 09:56

It is what it seemed to me to have understood ! :shock:

But when I go on the properties of the perl.exe file I have no this information ! :(

While if I go on an executable as to dreamweaver.exe I indeed have a menu digital signature and details...

What can I do ? Send you the perl.exe file ?

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby JonB » 22. November 2010 18:08

OK - thanks

I'm pretty sure of what to do - (I think)

I do have one more Perl question - do you need to run mod_perl or not, or is that a "I don't know the answer" question???

Does the 1.7.1 Perl-add-on have a 'enable/disable' mod-perl option in its setup????

But I need to do an experiment, and check how a few things really work.

I do think it will all work OK in the end. :)

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Re: ... Detected uninstalled Perl on CPAN

Postby Multiplex » 22. November 2010 20:42

I have no necessity of using mod_perl, in any case for the moment !

The perl-add-on for xampp 1.7.1 (xampp-win32-perl-addon-5.10.0-2.2.11-pl 2-installer.exe)
have no setup option, but I think that mode_perl can be deactivated in the httpd.conf

I suppose that you ask me all these questions because you do not turn under Windows :!: :?:

Sorry not to be able to bring you more precision but my skills in this domain are a little limited :?
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