XAMPP Status shows Perl Deactivated

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XAMPP Status shows Perl Deactivated

Postby hsi88 » 08. October 2010 23:00

Not sure how to activate these in 1.7.3

Perl with mod_perl DEACTIVATED

BTW - I have XAMPP installed on a thumb drive. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

No reply from anyone. I suspect everyone simply installs to their C: drive. From searching the Internet, looks like Perl can't be run from a thumb drive. I tried installing the portable version of Perl. It won't run scripts from the cgi-bin folder either. You have to run from a command line like DOS. I am going to start rewriting the Perl scripts. Perl as a language is probably dying on the vine. Its time has come and gone.
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Re: XAMPP Status shows Perl Deactivated

Postby JonB » 09. October 2010 12:38

Ya know - you need a chill pill - these forums are answered by volunteers, and most have jobs and such. When you get into something a bit exotic like this, the fairly scarce resources get even slimmer. For my customary rate, I'll give you my cell, and you can ask away, LOL. (but things that need testing, still take time)

As for Perl - its certainly not as popular as it once was - newer tools have come along - like PHP, Ruby etc. BUT Perl is a real Swiss Army knife for servers (in particular). It can do things PHP just can't do, and that's why many heavy lifting jobs are often done with Perl - like server administration tools. Its also a true executable whose scripts can be run as a job and scheduled to run on the server independent of a webservice. (you can also compile those scripts into a free-standing executable). Its also something that requires dedication and love to master - its not for everyone.

OK - I had to test it - at least with Win XP, following the correct procedure, XAMMP runs Perl on a USB stick correctly.

On little thing - if you have diasabled mod_perl (if your Perls scripts aren't OO, for instance) THAT is what the Activated Status is for, Perl can be running correctly with htat showing DEACTIVATED. You might want to try the Perlinfo Page on the XAMPP page. or try the GuestBook its written in Perl.

Good Luck
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Re: XAMPP Status shows Perl Deactivated

Postby hsi88 » 11. October 2010 17:07

My frustration came after working with this for hours and hours. It came about from having an older app that had worked for a long time all of a sudden fail. Basically nothing has changed except for updates to Windows. In my panic, I reinstalled XAMPP 1.7.3 and my problems compounded.

When I installed the first version I used of XAMPP 1.7.0? I found a website that litterally had pictures and step by step instructions. It worked the first time. I can't find that website anymore and like many websites, they simply disappear as people fail to pay for their websites or domain names.

I probably don't have it installed correctly. Here is my main problem:

I get this message: Premature end of script headers: uu_upload.pl
I go to the error log to see the real problem and see these:

[Mon Oct 11 11:58:04 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: uu_ini_status.pl, referer: http://localhost/hsi_photo/uu_file_upload.php
[Mon Oct 11 11:58:04 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: uu_upload.pl, referer: http://localhost/hsi_photo/uu_file_upload.php
[Mon Oct 11 11:58:04 2010] [error] [client] Can't locate strict.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .) at I:/xampplite/cgi-bin/uu_ini_status.pl line 31.\r, referer: http://localhost/hsi_photo/uu_file_upload.php
[Mon Oct 11 11:58:04 2010] [error] [client] BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at I:/xampplite/cgi-bin/uu_ini_status.pl line 31.\r, referer: http://localhost/hsi_photo/uu_file_upload.php
[Mon Oct 11 11:58:04 2010] [error] [client] Can't locate lib.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .) at I:/xampplite/cgi-bin/uu_upload.pl line 58.\r, referer: http://localhost/hsi_photo/uu_file_upload.php
[Mon Oct 11 11:58:04 2010] [error] [client] BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at I:/xampplite/cgi-bin/uu_upload.pl line 58.\r, referer: http://localhost/hsi_photo/uu_file_upload.php

As these are basic Perl modules, I figure I have it installed incorrectly. Any ideas??

Thanks, I will be more patient this time.
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Re: XAMPP Status shows Perl Deactivated

Postby JonB » 11. October 2010 17:30

I'm pretty sure I know what is wrong...

I just need to confirm.
XAMPP Lite 1.7.3 Apache 2.2.14 (IPv6 enabled), MySQL 5.1.41 + PBXT engine, PHP 5.3.1, OpenSSL 0.9.8l, phpMyAdmin 3.2.4, XAMPP Control Panel 2.5.8, XAMPP CLI Bundle 1.6, Webalizer 2.21-02, msmtp 1.4.19, SQLite 2.8.17, SQLite 3.6.20, Ming 0.4.3\

For Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7. See README

No Perl other than /bin/perl.exe in XAMMPLite, so you would have to build all the support modules/libraries. (look in your perl folder)

You need to Install the REGULAR XAMMP as a portable install. I caught on from the Path statements.

Good Luck
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Re: XAMPP Status shows Perl Deactivated

Postby hsi88 » 12. October 2010 19:30

Thanks so much. That did the trick. I deinstalled the XAMPP Light and installed the full version. Everything worked and everything came up as "Activated".

I ran into the next problem and that is the lack of GD installed with Perl which one of my modules use for image manipulation. I will check to see if I can install this on top of the XAMPP installation.

Thanks again for your help!
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