Can't move files outside of my xampp/htdocs

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Can't move files outside of my xampp/htdocs

Postby dan_m2k » 29. September 2010 16:33

Hi all, first time poster, long time reader and user of XAMPP.

My requirement is that I want to start moving my sites I use under XAMPP to a folder I have synced across machines for backup's sake. For example, all my sites currently live in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/ and I want to move them, to say, /Volumes/iDisk/Sites/.

The problem is very odd, I create a new virtual host in the usual way to point to a site at say /Volumes/iDisk/Sites/foo/ (where foo is the site specific folder which may have further folders within it, eg. classes/www/etc ).

When I set this up, restart apache, I get a 403 Forbidden error on accessing the site. On examining the error_log, I see a very odd error:

Code: Select all
[Wed Sep 29 11:57:19 2010] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /Volumes/iDisk/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

It is trying to access a non-existant .htaccess file above the level of the "new htdocs" as it were. If I create a .htaccess file there, the same issue occurs, I have checked the permissions on the relevant files to no avail.

This error occurs if I try to create sites on my desktop, or any other location on my hard drive.

Any ideas please? I'm stumpted!
Posts: 1
Joined: 29. September 2010 12:27

Re: Can't move files outside of my xampp/htdocs

Postby MegaChriz » 01. October 2010 08:15

What permissions did you set to the folder? The webserver needs at least read access. In XAMPP, the webserver user is called 'nobody' by default. I have not figured out yet how you can set permissions for this user in Leopard. I usually set permissions to 777 on my localhost to be sure the webserver has all the access it would need (I wouldn't do this on a production server). Do you still get the error if you set the permissions to 777?

I have never tried to put my website on an other volume and then let XAMPP access it. I remember in the past there were some others on this forum facing problems when putting a website on an other volume. It's possible XAMPP can't be used with websites on other volumes. But it should be no problem if your websites are on the same volume as XAMPP is. I know because I have set it up this way. You first should check if permissions are ok.
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Location: Amersfoort, The Netherlands
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