Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

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Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby duncan32 » 30. June 2010 17:19


I've just installed Xampp 1.7.3 (windows) so sql and apache service start correctly.
But as soon as i install OCS Windows Server, the apache service doesn't want to start any more. So here is the error log in xampp/apache:

[Wed Jun 30 18:05:53 2010] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:53 2010] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:54 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.1 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:54 2010] [notice] Server built: Nov 11 2009 14:29:03
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:54 2010] [notice] Parent: Created child process 6264
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:55 2010] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:55 2010] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:56 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Child process is running
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:56 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:56 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Starting 150 worker threads.
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:56 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Wed Jun 30 18:05:56 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Wed Jun 30 18:06:09 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/xampp/htdocs/ocsreports
[Wed Jun 30 18:06:18 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/xampp/htdocs/ocsreports
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:32 2010] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:32 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:33 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Released the start mutex
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:34 2010] [notice] Child 6264: All worker threads have exited.
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:34 2010] [notice] Child 6264: Child process is exiting
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:34 2010] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:44 2010] [error] Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/xampp/perl/lib C:/xampp/perl/site/lib . C:/xampp/apache) at (eval 19) line 3.\n
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:44 2010] [error] Can't load Perl module XML::Simple for server localhost:80, exiting...

Does anybody got an idea to solve it? Thanks a lot
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby JonB » 01. July 2010 00:48

HUHHHH ???? :?

What version of Windows are you on?

lets see, is OCS the Microsoft Office Communications Server?

DOH! you do know that you can't run two webservers on the same IP/Adapter and Port, right? (under Linux you can have more than one IP assigned to a given adapter) But basically two servers that bind Port 80 won't work on the same IP. You EITHER have to have another adapter and tell each to listen on different IP's OR change the port for HTTP for one of them to another port (often 8080).

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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby duncan32 » 01. July 2010 07:21

So, when i check the ports with the xampp control panel i can see that 8080 is free (it is written that it's "reserved" for Tomcat...won't there any problem with that?). Which file and line do i have to configure to listen the 8080 port with http apache?

I precise it works on XP SP3 and i use OCSNG server 1.3.2

I tried to change the file xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf by replacing every uncommented 80 by 8080
so now i have that error in logs that i (of course) don't understand:

[Thu Jul 01 09:33:08 2010] [error] Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/xampp/perl/lib C:/xampp/perl/site/lib . C:/xampp/apache) at (eval 19) line 3.\n
[Thu Jul 01 09:33:08 2010] [error] Can't load Perl module XML::Simple for server localhost:8080, exiting...
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby Domina » 01. July 2010 09:23

the problem is that the port 8080 and the port 80 are almost the same... I cant tell you the diff between them, but i can tell you that, if you change to something else (here I use 8181) them the server will starts again... ^^

I have, xampp, easy AND iis.. sometimes even more.. and they all run at same time if I need :wink:
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby duncan32 » 01. July 2010 10:17

so i tried again to change my port in xamp/apache/httpd.conf in 8181 on line "listen:8181" and "servername localhost:8181", i stop and restart xampp but i still don't have any reply for apache...mysql works well!

when i check the ports with the xampp panel it's written

apache (http) 80: free
apache (webdav) 81:free
apache (https) 443: free

Mysql 3306: Program:xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe


it's just like my port configuration wouldn't be effective and that xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe wouldn't exist (it should be associated with the line "apache(http) 8181:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe") although it does!

Got others suggestions?
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby JonB » 01. July 2010 19:24

Domina -

Just so you know - ALL ports are created equal. The only thing that matters is that both parties agree to use the same port for the same protocol.

There's a document detailing "Well Known Ports", so you don't step on other applications/protocols:


You'll note that the accepted alternative HTTP port is 8080. In XAMPP, if you have enabled Tomcat, it will use 8080 by default. -- so unless you are also running Tomcat, the 'best practice' would be to assign a second Web/HTTP service to 8080, although you could use ANY port thaty is not currently assigned to a service/applcation.

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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby JonB » 01. July 2010 19:29

Duncan32 -

All Port Check does is to see if the DEFAULT ports are free, it is not aware of any changes you make in teh configurations

Did you check the 'SVC' box for Apache in XAMMP Control Panel, and then restart your machine?

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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby duncan32 » 02. July 2010 07:47

One new point: i uninstalled xampp and OCS then in installed them again. As i start Apache and mysql manually (with start in control panel) it seems to work ("running" is displayed). I'm granted to admin apache and mysql so it's ok.

So i tried to use OCS and i have access to the main menu. but when i try to send a configuration from another computer to the server (with OCSinventory.exe /server:@server /PNUM:80), informations are not imported, it's as if the database doesn't work.

This time when i check the ports, the right applications are ok: 80 is associated with httpd.exe and 3306 with mysqld.exe...but sometimes they are not associated and "Unknown" is displayed!

But when i try to check "SVC" in control panel, apache doesn't start any more even if i uncheck SVC and try again to start it manually!!

It's desperating!!! :)
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby JonB » 02. July 2010 11:31

you just don't get it - you CAN'T run BOTH webservers on the same port.


So i tried to use OCS and i have access to the main menu. but when i try to send a configuration from another computer to the server (with OCSinventory.exe /server:@server /PNUM:80), informations are not imported, it's as if the database doesn't work.

AND WHAT PORT DO YOU THINK APACHE IS TRYING TO RUN ON?????? (unless you change it) :shock:

for the umpteenth time - set one of them to another port -- OCS is another WEBSERVER... I am not trying to discourage you, but if you don't see the problem and cannot fix it, it is very likely that whatever you are trying to accomplish is beyond your current knowledge. You need to understand how ports and services work, read this:


Good Luck
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby Catscrash » 01. October 2010 00:30

sorry guys, but why are you attacking the guy like that, when clearly YOU are the ones who are "not getting it"

1. OCS is NOT a Webserver, but just a PHP / Perl script that RUNS under xampp (http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/)
2. if y'all would've read the error-msg that was posted, you would have read the part where it says
[Wed Jun 30 18:07:44 2010] [error] Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/xampp/perl/lib C:/xampp/perl/site/lib . C:/xampp/apache) at (eval 19) line 3.\n

and then the usual guess would be to install XML::Simple via perl shell...
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby JonB » 01. October 2010 18:44

As catscrash has realized - I asked Domina if the "OCS" application was the MS Office Communications Server, so my responses were based on that. I think we had a mutual misunderstanding on what "OCS" was. :wink:

However - Catscrash may have had the right solution - BUT that solution begs another question -

Why would a missing Perl Module cause Apache to shutdown? This has not been my experience, you normally will get an error (usually handled by the script/application). If not, (depending on Carp settings) you may or may not 'see' the error in the client browser - but I haven't seen shutdowns. :shock:

Any thoughts?
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby verhar » 05. April 2012 12:15

Hi i know that i'm digging out the topic but i have been facing the same problem. I've spent quite much time while thinking and watching for sollution and it appeared that it's just needed to read and understand what log file wants us to know.

The log file tells us that apache can't find a file named Simple.pm in @INC which contains this directories C:/xampp/perl/lib C:/xampp/perl/site/lib . C:/xampp/apache , so the sollution of the Simple.pm file is as simple as it's name :P. You need to download XML-Simple-2.18 from http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML-Simple/ ungzip and untar it and then watch for /XML folder which is in /XML-Simple-2.18/lib directory. Now just copy it and paste in the first directory ( C:/xampp/perl/lib ) listed above. I guess that you could also put it in the other directories but that worked for me so I show this way to solve this issue. I hope this will help. And also hope that XML Simle Perl modul will work propely after treating it like this :P .
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Re: Xampp & OCS so apache do not start!

Postby aesquis » 06. May 2013 09:56

Thanks a lot verhar this works for me

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