phpmyadmin and mysql not working

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phpmyadmin and mysql not working

Postby DoYouSpeakWak » 21. August 2010 15:11

Hey everybody

For the last two days i have spend every waken moment on getting this to work. Now i cannot take it anymore. Iwe seached this forums for hours, and google. No solution that work. Im even willing to pay to get the proper support for this. This HAS to work.

So im really hoping you guys (and girls) can help in some way.

Im using linux. Puppy linux with xampp latest (i also tried beta) same problem.

My problem is this. When enter phpmyadmin i get this error

Code: Select all
Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

Andi cannot manually make a new folder for the mysql database i need. So at the moment i can only load html and php pages. No mysql support.

Iwe tried reinstalling the linux, and xampp about 20 times. No diffrence what so ever.

Any ideas ?

P.s What error logs are this error talking about ?
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Re: phpmyadmin and mysql not working

Postby glitzi85 » 23. August 2010 09:46

Please check your php.ini for the option session.save_path (defaults to /tmp). If this path does not exist or the user nobody/nogroup does not have write access to that folder, creation of sessions will not be possible.

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Re: phpmyadmin and mysql not working

Postby glitzi85 » 23. August 2010 15:52

OK, i've installed Puppy in a VM and started XAMPP. I can confirm, that the error appears, here is the problem:
Code: Select all
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  960 2010-08-23 14:48 tmp

You either change session.save_path to an location where nobody has write access (you could create an tmp folder inside /opt/lampp) or you change tmp permissions to 777.

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Re: phpmyadmin and mysql not working

Postby DoYouSpeakWak » 24. August 2010 19:14

Thank you so much for the reply.

I did the following

opened php.ini. ( opt/lampp/etc)

Found the line
Code: Select all
;session.save_path = "/tmp"

As you can see it was commented out. So on a normal linux my guess is that xampp and phpmyadmin works fine without chaning this to be active. Why its needed now with puppy is still a bit unclear to me.

changed that path to look like this
Code: Select all
session.save_path = "/opt/lampp/tmp"

Made the directory in opt/lampp/

Saved the php.ini file (that have had NO other changes made to it besides from the above)

Restarted xampp with
Code: Select all
/opt/lampp/lampp stop

and started it afterwards.

and i still get the same error.

Then i ran this in the terminal
Code: Select all
chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp/tmp

Restarted again. Same result.

Any idea why its still not working ? It seems to be a permission problem somehow. Puppy has no users etc. Just starts up and your in.
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Re: phpmyadmin and mysql not working

Postby salem80 » 26. August 2010 13:28

thanks alot it's work for me
i hope it work to you ..
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