Invalid resource error..

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Invalid resource error..

Postby busby » 07. August 2010 02:18

Sorry, I am really new to this and it may be obvious - can you tell me where I am going wrong please..

I am running on Windows Server 2003 standard with a default install. I have MySql running, but when I go to admin I just get a page with 'Invalid resource' error message. Also, if I try to start Apache I get the following message:
Status check ok
Apache Started
WARNING: terminating worker thread 0
Apache started

But the 'start' button hasn't changed to 'stop'

Is Apache running please and can someone tell me what is wrong.

Many thanks in advance..
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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby JonB » 07. August 2010 06:42

A couple questions:

A - Were MySQL, Apache, WAMP or XAMPP ever previously installed on this machine? (Either standalone or as part of a package)

B - Is IIS disabled?

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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby busby » 07. August 2010 09:53

JonB wrote:A couple questions:

A - Were MySQL, Apache, WAMP or XAMPP ever previously installed on this machine? (Either standalone or as part of a package)

B - Is IIS disabled?


A - No

B - How can I tell? Its a brand new server with nothing else installed on it

Many thanks..
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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby JonB » 07. August 2010 14:32

You didn't say what version of Windows Server :?:


In 'most' installs of Server 2003, IIS in installed and usually running. (its used for Remote Administration as well as publishing Web Sites).

On Server 2008, it depends on the 'Server Roles' activated. If Application Server or Web Server (among others) is/are an active Role, IIS is running.

Look in Windows Management Console, Service and Applications or Look on your Desktop for IIS or Web Publishing Service Icon. No matter what the situation, XAMPP, Apache, MySQL, IIS or whatever - they are all Services (that why they call them Servers). In Services the IIS component is known as World Wide Web Publishing Service - see what its status is.

I'm guessing what I just said may as well be in Greek.

I have to ask what may seem an impertinent question, if you don't understand the Windows server technology, and/or are not somewhat trained on it -- why did you/whomever buy it? Its not at all XP or Vista or Windows 7 with a few more pieces, its its own universe. The only thing they have in common is that there is a Desktop and they all come with Internet Explorer installed.

There is one exception to that (its also bad news for this topic) - that you are about to tell me you have Windows Home Server or Small Business Server -- on which, in either case, installing XAMPP wil break your server for its other designed purposes. Windows Home Server and Small Business Servers are integrated Suites which cannot be re-purposed. :shock:

If you have Windows Standard Server or Enterprise Server, the 'pieces' (services) are all independent and thus, running XAMPP is very do-able, but you have a good sized learning curve ahead. :lol:

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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby busby » 07. August 2010 14:57

JonB wrote:You didn't say what version of Windows Server :?:


In 'most' installs of Server 2003, IIS in installed and usually running. (its used for Remote Administration as well as publishing Web Sites).

On Server 2008, it depends on the 'Server Roles' activated. If Application Server or Web Server (among others) is/are an active Role, IIS is running.

Look in Windows Management Console, Service and Applications or Look on your Desktop for IIS or Web Publishing Service Icon. No matter what the situation, XAMPP, Apache, MySQL, IIS or whatever - they are all Services (that why they call them Servers). In Services the IIS component is known as World Wide Web Publishing Service - see what its status is.

I'm guessing what I just said may as well be in Greek.

I have to ask what may seem an impertinent question, if you don't understand the Windows server technology, and/or are not somewhat trained on it -- why did you/whomever buy it? Its not at all XP or Vista or Windows 7 with a few more pieces, its its own universe. The only thing they have in common is that there is a Desktop and they all come with Internet Explorer installed.

There is one exception to that (its also bad news for this topic) - that you are about to tell me you have Windows Home Server or Small Business Server -- on which, in either case, installing XAMPP wil break your server for its other designed purposes. Windows Home Server and Small Business Servers are integrated Suites which cannot be re-purposed. :shock:

If you have Windows Standard Server or Enterprise Server, the 'pieces' (services) are all independent and thus, running XAMPP is very do-able, but you have a good sized learning curve ahead. :lol:


Hi JonB, thanks for your detailed answer..

I am running Server 2003 Standard Edition, and no, IIS isn't even installed I'm afraid..

I have already found to my cost that its a bit more complicated than XP! My last install got hacked, so I have had to start over again..

The server is simply used for Streaming Audio for a radio station. The reason I am using Windows is because my playout system requires it..

I have sort of got around the problem the problem by installing MySQL Workbench, which seems like a sledghammer to crack a nut.. It would be nice to have the XAMPP panel working if only because I like things to work - and getting things to work is how you learn ;)
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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby JonB » 07. August 2010 15:24


MySQL Workbench is a design tool (I use it) - I guess you may have backdoored MySQL to work that way.

you have two-three choices

Install IIS (or Apache), PHP and MySQL all standalone (they can be made to work quite well together) - I have two Server 2003 boxes, and they run IIS6 with PHP, Active States Perl, and MySQL running plus one W2K8 server running IIS7, FastCGI, PHP(Zend) MySQL and Active States. So I speak 'Doze' server-ese fluently.

I also have 2 XAMPP boxes, and three Linux servers - one Centos, one Fedora and one RHEL. so i are the Server Geek, LOL


Install XAMPP - which gives you all the pieces in one package. (but you will need to unistall MySQL workbench and/or MySQL standalone to make it work right. Basically there can really only be on MySQL instance on a single server without virtualization)

XAMPP is a very good tool, but it is a shortcutted install that will need some fixing. It can do all the things a standard install of Apache, PHP and MySQL will do, with a few tiny possible exceptions (there are a few 'tool' pieces missing that you only get with fill installs) - its built on the Apache Software Foundation's source and binaries. The standalone installs are a more robust solution, and follow best practices -- but require much more integration work/knowlege.

It would be nice to have the XAMPP panel working if only because I like things to work - and getting things to work is how you learn ;)

Haha - that's the engineer talking.

OK uninstall what you did, clean it all up nice, make sure MySQL is not installed or in the service list, the re-install XAMPP (sans the MySQL Workbench)

AND AND - learn a backup product and make daily incremental backups. Acronis Ent. Server is big bucks but it is nearly perfect. (does bare metal reinstalls) At minimum, do a Windows full System backup to another device on the network and make a System Restore diskette (yes diskette) its the ONLY way to restore a Windows Server 2003 to a new drive without 3rd party software :!: (25+ years systems engineer talking now) One KABOOM and all your work goes in toilet! If you are not doing hardware RAID, or the primary drive is not already mirrored - mirror the drive once things are working.

Good Luck
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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby busby » 07. August 2010 20:22

Hmm - that seems a bit complicated to me and there are a few minor issues..

First, I am in the Isle of Man and my server is in a datacentre France - so therein lies a problem..

I actually have 3 Windows 2003 Standard servers, don't ask me why - its a long story.. One server has been running flawlessly for 3 years. The 'new' server I have now is simply a backup for the 'main' server on which my radio station relies. As this server is only a backup, I decided to have a play with Apache with a view to eventually putting my site on it.. Big mistake!

The first indication that I had a problem came when my host shut the server down. A port scanner had been installed on it and needed to be stopped. I did a full scan using an on-line scanner and removed the port scanner.. Everything was fine for a couple of days, then just before doing a backup I did another scan to find 3 Trojans and 'greyware' on it.. After several attempts of removing Trojans etc I installed an antivirus programme. Within hours, both the antivirus and the firewall had been disabled, so I was left with no choice but a re-install..

So, here we go again, a fresh install, Firewall in place, no Apache, and at the moment - no Antivirus..

When I first started my station 3 years ago, I spoke to a 'server guru' who told me 'you don't put antivirus on servers' - now everyone tells me its not the case! I have had a look around and it seems antivirus that will run on a server costs hundreds of pounds as its assumed there will also be workstations. Not in my case.

Do you have any advice for me please as to how best to protect my server so, hopefully, it doesn't happen again?

Thanks in advance..

Sorry, I know this has gone off topic!
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Re: Invalid resource error..

Postby JonB » 08. August 2010 01:39

Most 'server gurus' are from the *nix world, where "you don't need AV on a server" is generally quite true. I don't run AV on my Linux boxes - no need. XAMPP/Winodws boxes - you better believe I do.

You really only need antivrus on a server if you execute programs on it as if you were at the console. I run AVG Free on my Windows servers, and it works great, I also use clamwin to scan periodically. BUT I own the servers, and work on them locally and use Remote Desktop.

So the answer is: If you use Remote Desktop to access them and use the browsers installed on the servers to look things up/install programs - install AVG and keep it up to date. If you ONLY use a control panel or FTP to do everything, not needed. This is my 'own opinions', and represents my personal practice.

You do need to learn about permissions in NTFS (since its a Windows server) to harden exposed folders againsts uploads. The problem with running Apache on Windows servers is it was designed to be behind a Linux server, where you can use the Unix filesystem with CHMOD to tweak things -- thus Apache makes no attempt to harden its 'sandbox' (the webspace)

So this is also off-topic, but read my page about Windows servers. It wasn't designed for Apache discussions, but covers the NTFS filesystem protections vs CHMOD. You'll need to learn about the user context you are running in as well. (IIS was built to do all this for you). This is a complicated subject - LOL. ... 6_yabb.htm

BTW< I do lots of system maintence and/or host/server moves for companies on remote servers, basically offering what amounts to server maintence plans - for both *nix and Windows Hosts, that's what 'server geeks' do to pay the bills, LOL.

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