How to install/uninstall xampp on ubuntu in two clicks

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

How to install/uninstall xampp on ubuntu in two clicks

Postby hazarks » 07. July 2010 08:41

Hello,I made a little script to install/uninstall xampp in two clicks.
I also included other scripts to fix common issues.

You can download the scripts here: ( 1KB )

To install xampp just put the scripts in the same folder as "xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz" and double click on the script. ( more details included with the download )

Here are the content of the scripts:

install script:
Code: Select all
#going into working directory
cd $working_directory

#getting current user

#installing xampp
sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz -C /opt
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

#adding xampp to startup
sudo ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp /etc/init.d/lampp
sudo update-rc.d -f lampp defaults

#fixing access forbidden to localhost
sudo chmod -R 705 /opt/lampp/htdocs

#giving editing rights to user
sudo chown -R $user /opt/lampp/htdocs

echo "Xampp installed"

uninstall script:
Code: Select all
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop
sudo rm -rf /opt/lampp

echo "Xampp uninstalled"

I hope this will help some people.
I think this should be included with xampp download ;P
Posts: 1
Joined: 07. July 2010 08:28

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