Apache2, PHP5 + Subdirectories

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Apache2, PHP5 + Subdirectories

Postby ButterBrot » 21. June 2010 19:31


I got a problem regarding the execution of PHP5 files in a subdirectory. PHP itself seems to be fine. The problem is the following:

http://www.example.com/subdir/index.php <- works fine
http://www.example.com/subdir <- does not work, the browser downloads the .php file itself.

Basically I used the default configuration coming with Ubuntu 10.04.

My mods-enabled/dir.conf contains:

<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml index.htm index.html

I did some Google searches, but I could not find people having the same problem. I must admit, that I had no good idea on how to search for this problem, because php5, apache2 and subdirectory lead to many irrelevant pages.
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Joined: 21. June 2010 19:22

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