Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby taraxacum » 20. June 2010 13:55

Hello all,

I have searched and browsed the forum but can not find any relevant post, so please accept my apologies if this has been covered before.

I would like to run apache with PHP purely locally - to test and develop pages and scripts prior to uploading to a web server. I do not need or want to have any external server (http, MySQL, ftp or POP) capability at all and I am concerned about security of my system - will running an http server leave me vulnerable?

If I tell my security software (McAfee) to ban access to apache, then xampp will not start. When I remove the McAfee rule, xampp starts OK.

Is there a way of running apache just as a local service?

[I do have a firewall in my router (Netgear) which has a default "Block access"to any inbound access - but again I'm not sure if this provides full cover.]

Any pointers would be appreciated,

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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby Radzio » 20. June 2010 14:11

This probably provides enough protection. You can as well tell your McAfee to block any external traffic to it (not blocking the whole app).
You can as well modify Listen directives in your httpd.conf to:
Code: Select all
Listen #previously: Listen 80
Listen #previously: Listen 443
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby taraxacum » 20. June 2010 14:46

Thanks Radzio,

I'll put the "listen" changes in.

As to the McAfee - if I tell it to "allow outbound only access" then xampp doesn't start, so it seems it has to be all or nothing.

Can I ask a follow-up. The xampp security check reports:
PhpMyAdmin is freely accessible by network UNSECURE
PhpMyAdmin is accessible by network without a password. The configuration 'httpd' or 'cookie' in the "" can help.

If I haven't started MySql, is this still a security problem. If so, could you point me to the documentation for the 'httpd' and 'cookie' statements - and where should I find the file (because I can't find it in the obvious places).


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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby Radzio » 20. June 2010 15:20

XAMPP's security page provides an easy way to set this password. Look for the right link!

Actually if you made the changes I told you about phpMyAdmin isn't a problem but MySQL itself can be accessed from outside (only if it's started of course!).
To secure MySQL, we can make it not listen on TCP/IP at all by uncommenting this line (in my.ini):
Code: Select all

PS: I never used McAfee but if it's the only option it can set then it sucks.
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby taraxacum » 20. June 2010 18:57

Thanks - will do as you suggest.

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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby taraxacum » 20. June 2010 19:16

Radzio wrote:XAMPP's security page provides an easy way to set this password. Look for the right link!

PS: I never used McAfee but if it's the only option it can set then it sucks.

I'd found the security link, but because I hadn't started MySQL, the option to set the password for PhpMyAdmin wasn't offered. Having started MySQL, I've now set password protection and MySQL root protection [although, I have now stopped MySQL again 'cus I don't need it at the moment].

As to McAfee - it offers full access/no access/outward only access - I'd have thought the final option was equivalent to blocking inward traffic, but even so Xampp won't start with that option set.

Thanks again,

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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby memilanuk » 23. June 2010 04:04

This might be of some help...

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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby memilanuk » 23. June 2010 04:12

This is what I get when I try un-commenting
Code: Select all


Looks like it b0rks phpMyAdmin at the very least... and it also hoses the database connection for my test WordPress install. I'm guessing that the php stuff connects to the mysqld via its tcp/ip port, even on localhost, not via internal processes, as both phpMyAdmin and WordPress work fine when I comment out
Code: Select all
and add this to the [mysqld] section of my.ini:
Code: Select all
# Force mysqld to bind to the loopback address only!
bind_address =
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby nuttynut » 18. July 2015 17:29

Hi, I wanted to do the same thing (run Apache and MySQL only locally for trying out a Wiki), and followed the instructions given above. I'm receiving an error message after I "uncommented" #skip-networking in the my.ini. Now MySQL unexpectedly shuts down:

18:21:35 [main] Initializing Control Panel
18:21:35 [main] Windows Version: Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
18:21:35 [main] XAMPP Version: 1.8.3
18:21:35 [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.1 [ Compiled: May 7th 2013 ]
18:21:35 [main] You are not running with administrator rights! This will work for
18:21:35 [main] most application stuff but whenever you do something with services
18:21:35 [main] there will be a security dialogue or things will break! So think
18:21:35 [main] about running this application with administrator rights!
18:21:35 [main] XAMPP Installation Directory: "d:\xampp\"
18:21:35 [main] Checking for prerequisites
18:21:35 [main] All prerequisites found
18:21:35 [main] Initializing Modules
18:21:35 [main] Starting Check-Timer
18:21:35 [main] Control Panel Ready
18:21:37 [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
18:21:39 [Apache] Status change detected: running
18:21:40 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app...
18:21:42 [mysql] Status change detected: running
18:21:51 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped
18:21:51 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
18:21:51 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
18:21:51 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
18:21:51 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
18:21:51 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
18:21:51 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
18:21:51 [mysql] entire log window on the forums
18:23:29 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app...
18:23:30 [mysql] Status change detected: running
18:23:37 [mysql] Status change detected: stopped
18:23:37 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
18:23:37 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
18:23:37 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
18:23:37 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
18:23:37 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
18:23:37 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
18:23:37 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

As you can see, I don't have the current version of XAMPP - I don't know whether that makes a difference in this case. I could update, only I'm afraid I would have to go through the procedure of setting up my wiki again..?
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby Nobbie » 18. July 2015 19:53

Undo your Change.

Did you succeed to reach your Xampp Installation from external Client?
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby nuttynut » 18. July 2015 23:41

I wouldn't know how to access the wiki from another computer, as http://localhost/mediawiki is the only address given in the MediaWiki tutorial...
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby Nobbie » 19. July 2015 10:19

So what is your problem?
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Re: Can I run xampp "locally" with no external access

Postby nuttynut » 19. July 2015 18:22

...that some of the services is open to the internet, leaving me vulnerable..?
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