Running XAMPP from network drive?

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Running XAMPP from network drive?

Postby okasii » 15. November 2006 18:36

Is it possible to run XAMPP from network drive? And is it possible to have multiple users for that one XAMPP that has been installed to network harddisk? (I mean that is it possible that 20 person / differnet computers are using this one XAMPP thru intranet network?)
I'm trying to find this out because we want to get one xampp installed for our network drive in our class. Lets say its not possible to install xampp into every computer.
Apache server and Mysql needed to get to work thru network drive.
Our OS in our school is WIN XP PRO SP 2.

Just to make clear that we are not going to make public webserver, we just need to make php coding and testing possible.
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Postby underdone » 15. November 2006 23:10

Let me make sure i understand what is going on here, These 20 people do not need to change the settings etc for xampp?
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Postby okasii » 16. November 2006 14:06

Hi underdonerootser

Im not sure if i understood what u ment in your replay.

People in our class dosen't have xampp installed in to their workstations. So they can't change any options.

INSTEAD, is it possible to change XAMPP's settings that has been installed on to networkdrive, so that everybody in our class could run XAMPP (installed in to networkdrive) in their own workstations?

Thanks anyway for trying to help me out with this.
I think later it would be quite cool for XAMPP to make it possible to run XAMPP from different computer on the same network in learnign enviroment purposes.
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Postby underdone » 16. November 2006 20:30

Sorry but i can't think of any way that you could do that, why is it that you cannot install xampp on every computer?
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Postby okasii » 16. November 2006 20:44

because we are not allowed to. And Why? Well there is almost 1000 students in our school and if everybody installs something to local harddisk... U guess the rest. Anyway there is still need for this kind of slution. So thats the reason why im trying to find out whats the best way to do it in our school. Im kind of helping my teacher. He asked if i could do it. He thought it might be possible somehow.
Anyway it really would be a good idea to programm such a version from Xampp.. I guess my school is not the only one with the same issue.
I just need to find out if i can somehow change the httdocs.conf file somehow.
Where else i can try to ask these things? Is there any "direct" support for XAMPP??
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Postby kevinduke » 16. November 2006 22:20

Can you not use theportable version from a usb pen.
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Postby underdone » 17. November 2006 01:55

because we are not allowed to. And Why? Well there is almost 1000 students in our school and if everybody installs something to local harddisk... U guess the rest.
I understand that, i was just making sure that this wasn't because you simply didn't want to install it on 20 computers.

I'm not totally sure if this would work out, but you could put a copy of xampp on a shared folder with read-only access, and allow the students to run it from there. And then have a folder on each computer that they can put their php files and whatever else in, and use the config files to set that folder as the document root.

If that doesn't work i would just install xampp on all of the computers, and by doing this yourself you can still tell the other students that they cannot install their own software, and that only you can install it. You could also you use group policy, if you have it, to lock down the program so that only specific students can use it.

Can you not use the portable version from a usb pen.
The link that was in the forum was dead and i was unable to find any working download links for it. If you know of one that is working i think it would be perfect for this situation.
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Postby okasii » 17. November 2006 07:29

Underdone, you'r right. It is possible to save php files and stuff to local harddisk. Only thing is that we just need to run xampp from shared folder.

So atleast i need to change the httpd.conf document root and server root. So when student runs it from shared folder, Xampp knows where to find all the files.

Now if we don't config anything and just let students run it from shared folder, (XAMPP runs but can't start any services) Xampp tryes to find root server from local computer.

I tried to point server root to shared folder, and somethign happened but it wasn't enough.

This is from httpd.conf file:

ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
# configuration, error, and log files are kept.
# Do not add a slash at the end of the directory path. If you point
# ServerRoot at a non-local disk, be sure to point the LockFile directive
# at a local disk. If you wish to share the same ServerRoot for multiple httpd daemons, you will need to change at least LockFile and PidFile.

That is one part i don't know how to do and is that what im actually trying to find out??
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Re: Running XAMPP from network drive?

Postby piplikesxampp » 14. May 2010 08:03

I have the same problem at my college. For some reason the IT department (we are run by a corporation) will not allow us(faculty) to install xampp on all computers. Currently, they have set up 1 server running 1 xampp installation on a dusty old Mac located several floors above us. This is painfully inefficient. We have to manually push the files to the server each time. Each of my students in each of my classes have multiple databases on this one installation of mysql. I could sure use some advice on how to make the student's world, and the faculty's world (that means me) a little nicer. (not to mention helping to defeat the evil IT guys... :twisted: jk)
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