Question about Licensing / Repackaging

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Question about Licensing / Repackaging

Postby MisterK » 24. March 2010 21:47

I have a web-based software development project that I'm looking to do. Ideally, I'd like to re-package the xampp for windows utility and include a few additional perl libraries, some gnu utilities, and my own software. That way, I can hand over a thumb drive to a customer and allow them to get started with my software without having to go through a painful series of installs in order to get going.

I have no problem with making the original source available and leaving existing copyright/developers credit in place. My question is whether or not I am allowed by Apache Friends to do such a thing in general, or if this kind of practice is generally frowned upon (or even a clear violation of the license).

Of course, I'll read through the licensing files, but I thought I'd ask in here as a first step. My potential target market is very small (if it was a global success it would be maybe 5000 customers, more likely less than 20), and I would be charging for my software (not xampp, but for the code that I've written included as part of the package).

To be clear, I haven't even started looking into how to accomplish any of this.
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Re: Question about Licensing / Repackaging

Postby Nobbie » 24. March 2010 22:04

MisterK wrote:That way, I can hand over a thumb drive to a customer and allow them to get started with my software without having to go through a painful series of installs in order to get going.

And what about if the customer already has installed and configured (to its own needs) a full Xampp installation? Are you going to overwrite it, who cares....?
Last edited by Nobbie on 24. March 2010 23:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question about Licensing / Repackaging

Postby MisterK » 24. March 2010 22:31

In that case, I'd simply hand over the necessary install for my required elements.

It's just that for many people that I end up working with (in mid-size business enterprises), getting a web server up and running turns out to be a project. Being able to install custom perl modules, another project. Setting up a custom application on that web server, a third project. If I can get them to a point where they can experience the software and see value quickly then I've gotten through two barriers that otherwise would have taken a great deal of time and effort to get past. Of course, I could have a demo up and running on the web, but if I can get it on their desktops where they can see what it's like with their data in their environment, I might actually be able to sell something.

I could have them install xampp, install some gnu utils, then go about installing my software - and that might actually be the preferred path for some people. I'm more looking at trying to help less technical people get to a starting point with as little pain and effort as possible.

It may be preferable to just wrap the installs of all the necesary software in a batch file or install script that calls them individually - but still the question exists - is it OK to redistribute, and is it OK to make changes to the default implementation as part of the redistribution.

I know there's a lot of repackaging/re-selling of open source products like openoffice and I don't want to come off like I'm doing that kind of thing. I want to do it right, give credit where credit is due, follow the licensing requirements, and not be in violation of any community standards that are not formally communicated. (In, I suppose, a similar manner in which apache friends has done with XAMPP)
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Re: Question about Licensing / Repackaging

Postby memilanuk » 09. April 2010 23:14

I'm kind of curious about the same sort of thing. Not from a commercial standpoint, but for non-profit use.

I'm using XAMPP to learn PHP & MySQL, so I'm probably a good ways off from actually distributing anything, but one of the driving reasons behind me wanting to learn these things is to be able to create a 'web' application that could be run from a local installation (hard drive, usb stick) with users either directly on that machine, as well as from nearby computers - the volunteers tasked with doing this sort of data entry (score keeping for amateur sports) are frequently long on volunteerism, short on desire to learn how to setup a web/database server and then import the appropriate data files, set up everything, etc. Being able to send them a USB stick (or make a disk image available they could download and install to one) that has *only* what they need - Apache, MySQL, PHP and the necessary htdocs and database files to get started... would be very nice indeed.
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Re: Question about Licensing / Repackaging

Postby Narrowboyy » 10. April 2010 00:12

The question about licensing/repackaging has been officially addressed under the subheading The License, found here:

Kai 'Oswald' Seidler the lead XAMPP developer and forum Administrator should be contacted if you have issues not addressed in The License section in the above link.
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