Xampp (port8080) WordPressMU install issue/help

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Xampp (port8080) WordPressMU install issue/help

Postby richardpd » 05. March 2010 13:41

I run Xampp localhost on port8080 (as I run IIS7 on port 80) & I am trying to install WordPressMu in Xampp but WordPress MU does not like this address:

This throws up this error message in browser: WPMU only works without the port number in the URL

Does anyone know what address I can use to install this WordPressMU please and how to fix this?
I am grateful for any helpful replies, thanks
Posts: 13
Joined: 24. January 2010 23:54

Re: Xampp (port8080) WordPressMU install issue/help

Postby Nobbie » 05. March 2010 14:07

richardpd wrote:Does anyone know what address I can use to install this WordPressMU please and how to fix this?

As WordPressMU does not accept ports in URLs, you MUST install it to run on Port 80, as Port 80 (and only Port 80) is the default Port for HTTP Requests. So either run IIS on different Port (for example 8080), or ask in a WordPress Forum how to run WordPressMU on a different Port than 80.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Xampp (port8080) WordPressMU install issue/help

Postby richardpd » 07. March 2010 15:45

Thanks for the reply.
I have been trying for days now to setup WordPressMU on IIS7 (using default port80) but I cannot get it to install.
I have posted for help on WordPressMU & nothing yet....
Posts: 13
Joined: 24. January 2010 23:54

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