lampp on CD

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

lampp on CD

Postby » 04. March 2010 12:32

I would like to start lampp on LINUX from CD or from an abritary location,
without knowing an absolute path to the lampp binaries and config-files.

That means, the executables should search for libraries and config-files RELATIVELY to themselves.

Is there a possibility to success this challenge?
Which settings must be changed to be able to manage this?

(My lampp has PHP-support but without MySQL)

Posts: 2
Joined: 04. March 2010 12:12

Re: lampp on CD

Postby Nobbie » 04. March 2010 12:41 wrote:Is there a possibility to success this challenge?

Yes. Simply install Xampp into root folder of the CD and mount it to /opt/lampp. If you cannot mount to /opt/lampp, but somewhere else (/cdrom for example), you may also simply create a symbolic link from that folder to /opt/lampp.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: lampp on CD

Postby » 04. March 2010 12:57

Thanks for the really good hints!
Nevertheless, I see some troubles with the two solutions:

1. my boss simply puts the CD in, his suse-linux mounts the CD automatically on a location
(normally /cdrom, but on other systems it may be different) and double-clicks the start-script.
He's not able to enter manually difficult mount-commands.

2. I could create a symbolic link in /opt/lampp/ to my CD, but it would need
write access to the /opt/ directory, right?
A normal linux user has no administrative rights and would therefore be unable to manage this.

It is possible to work around these limitations?

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Joined: 04. March 2010 12:12

Re: lampp on CD

Postby Nobbie » 04. March 2010 21:10 wrote:It is possible to work around these limitations?

Yes - remove your boss. As "a fool with a tool remains a fool".

Seriously: a web development package (like Xampp) is a highly sophisticated peace of software. If someone even does not manage to (simply) follow a one or two step installation instruction (mount or link) will NEVER be able to use the software itself, due to his own limitations...

Just my two cents.
Posts: 13220
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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