Feedback on product

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Feedback on product

Postby sandoeg » 25. February 2010 23:50

I want you to know that I busted my butt trying to get an Apache server with PHP and MySQL up and running. There was no straight answer to be found on the internet. I was pouring through posts late one night trying to get php.ini configuration instructions when I saw a response to a post that the person should try xampp and all of his problems would go away. I thought, that sounds too good to be true, but at this point I had nothing to lose, nothing was working anyway. So I wiped out Apache, PHP, MySQL and downloaded Xampp for WIndows. I followed the simple directions, and lo and behold, I am up and running. Not fiddling with the Apache config file or the php.ini file. It all worked. Then I really put it to the test. I wanted server side debug with Netbeans. Again, I went to the Xampp website, found the simple directions, and now I have a full PHP, JavaScript ... development system.

I needed this capability for a web programming class that I am taking. I can't tell you how grateful I am for the work that has been put into this project. I have recommended it to all of the students in the class, as they are all struggling with this issue as well.

Thanks in a big way,
Greg Sandoe
Posts: 1
Joined: 25. February 2010 23:38

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