cannot login using xampp as user

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

cannot login using xampp as user

Postby ohforfuckssake » 02. February 2010 17:17

iMac, 10.6 working as root. XAMPP 1.7.2 (latest for Mac I believe?)
I cannot access my local server, or localhost, through my browser since running the "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp security" script.
The login window (which was not there before running the script) says:
The user name or password you entered for this area on was incorrect.
Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again.

xampp user

Your password will be sent unencrypted.

I used xampp as the user name as required, I only use one password for my internal server stuff but that did not work nor did trying to login as root or by a username...
All is well elsewhere. I can work on my sites (in htdocs), I can play in terminal but cannot figure out how to get past that login screen and I cannot get to phpmyadmin. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you
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