Apache on Windows: DocumentRoot must be a directory

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Apache on Windows: DocumentRoot must be a directory

Postby Unripapaya » 17. December 2009 12:42


I'm trying to run Apache on Windows 2003 with an own user account "Apache", which has limited rights,
but I get the error message:
DocumentRoot must be a directory.

Well, in my httpd.conf is written:
DocumentRoot "D:/htdocs/"
<Directory "D:/htdocs/">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
This directory does exist!

Can anyone help me please?

Posts: 3
Joined: 17. December 2009 12:29

Re: Apache on Windows: DocumentRoot must be a directory

Postby Izzy » 18. December 2009 00:15

Unripapaya wrote:Well, in my httpd.conf is written:
DocumentRoot "D:/htdocs/"
<Directory "D:/htdocs/">

See if removing the slash at the end of the lines help, like so
Code: Select all
DocumentRoot "D:/htdocs"
<Directory "D:/htdocs">
Save the httpd.conf file after editing, then restart Apache, make a backup copy first.
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Re: Apache on Windows: DocumentRoot must be a directory

Postby Unripapaya » 18. December 2009 08:40

Hey Izzy,

this doesn't help. I just tried it in multiples ways and stopped on that one.
I allready tried:

None of these solved my problem.

Thanks anyway!

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Joined: 17. December 2009 12:29

Re: Apache on Windows: DocumentRoot must be a directory

Postby Izzy » 18. December 2009 09:25

own user account "Apache", which has limited rights
Make sure the "limited rights" is not interfering by testing a new different DocumentRoot location that does not have the same limited rights.

If the new location does not give the error then you have to suspect that the limited rights you set are the cause of the error.
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Re: Apache on Windows: DocumentRoot must be a directory

Postby Unripapaya » 18. December 2009 09:36

Hm...there is no error when I move the directory htdocs and change the DocumentRoot to C:/WWW/Apache2.2/htdocs.

I just noticed that the user "Apache" didn't have the right to read D:\.
Now it works fine.

Thanks a lot!

Posts: 3
Joined: 17. December 2009 12:29

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