What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

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What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby y0ursource » 06. November 2009 02:24


First let me say XAMPP is a great piece of work I've been using it for years now without any problem
I'm the creator of y0ursource a new bit torrent tracker script/client/nzb/File hosting/ etc...
so I've been using XAMPP with my project everything has been great until 1.7.2

it seems 1.7.2 doesn't see PHP for php and outputs it as text below is 2 screen shots to show you
exactly what i mean the 2 screen shots below that is the exact same script but running 1.7.1 (the best version ever)

new 1.7.2 running y0ursource on XAMPP look at the mess it has when it hits the PHP

Again below another screen running same script index.php with 1.7.2

Below is what the 2 images above should look like this was done with 1.7.1

Again another 1.7.1 this is what the second screen should look like

Same scripts nothing changed except installed 1.7.2 got the mess as you see above then un-installed
and installed 1.7.1 and boom everything working perfectly

i have to say I've never come across a bad build of XAMPP but this 1.7.2 is the worst thing I've ever come across
you've took 1.7.1 which was perfect in every single way and totally destroyed it by making a 1.7.2 which clearly cannot
handle PHP in fact it can hardly handle any PHP software i really think this MAJOR bug should be fixed ASAP because as it
stands XAMPP 1.7.2 is useless for anyone who needs anything more than a virtual host with a bit of HTML.

hope I've brought this situation to light pretty quickly
Last edited by y0ursource on 06. November 2009 03:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Izzy » 06. November 2009 03:10

Can you paste the index.php code between forum code tags please - the images are fine but don't tell the whole story.

1.7.1 uses php 5.2
1.7.2 uses php 5.3

What do you see when you type http://localhost only?
If the XAMPP welcome page then check the coding in the xampp folder which is mostly php and in a default 1.7.2 installation works fine as intended.
Perhaps your script is not compatible with php 5.3 as would be evident by your post.

BTW could you please reduce the size of your images so that they do not have to be horizontally scrolled.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby y0ursource » 06. November 2009 03:26

Sorry about the images i've removed them from being embeded.

it's simple php nothing special i don't see at all why it would not work
with 5.3 for instance if it was a conflict in versions it would throw up
some errors or some old php code it didn't understand but this throws everything up.

even the most simplest of $vars = { } throws that up too there can't be this much
of a compatibility issue surely as it would effect a trillion lines of php through out the word.
every forum software blog, cms, bulletin system, would all hit the same problem.

i can't see it being that.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Izzy » 06. November 2009 03:35

Foe example Joomla needs php 5.2 and XAMPP 1.7.1 and won't run yet in php 5.3 XAMPP 1.7.2

Check with your script's author if it is compatible with php 5.3.

Make sure that you are not using short open tags <? and ?> instead of <?php and ?> in your php code as in 1.7.2 these shortcut tags have been turned off in the php.ini file as they may conflict with other scripts like xml etc.

But if you paste your "secret" php code instead of an incomplete and distorted browser source code screen cap, we could take a look and if the XAMPP welcome page works then it has to be a script compatibility issue or the above short tags causing your headache.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby y0ursource » 06. November 2009 04:04

i am the author of the script lol

i been coding this since 2007 upwards it works on every single
version upto 1.7.2 then it stops and produces that awful mess you seen.

i cannot see them making 100% of all php code in-compatible it would mean that
every single php author of forums blogs, cms everyone of them would have to
trawl though a trillion lines of code changing them

if thats the case might as well invent a new programming language while their at it.

You mention about the <? and ?> yes the whole script is coded with short tags.
how would i go about turning this back on ?
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Izzy » 06. November 2009 04:12

y0ursource wrote:You mention about the <? and ?> yes the whole script is coded with short tags.
how would i go about turning this back on ?
You do that in the php.ini file.
Also read the short_open_tag comments with regards to turning this on as it is not recommended and would be preferable and good practice in your code to use the correct tags.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby y0ursource » 06. November 2009 04:21

will code with the correct tags but imagine i go though 59 pages re-tagging to find its not that.
i'd rather just try and turn short tags on and see if it corrects the problem if it does then great
i know its that.

why wouldn't someone mention this great change on the front website page?
i'm sure theres more people horrified at the output they seen and dont know why too.

Also what is xampp going to do if and when oracle kill mysql off? since you cannot continue to
use the brand mysql what do you plan to do? since most forks of mysql isn't windows format only unix.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby bizarre » 10. November 2009 16:39

Hello there,
i just installed 1.7.2 and in 5 minutes i had it up and running including all my projects on it. when i started working i was shocked my php code is not parsed! first thing to check was is php working at all. this one was not the reason. second tried replacing short tags. it did not work out too.
So except downgrading to 1.7.1 can you suggest something else to fix this issue?

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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Wiedmann » 10. November 2009 17:16

! first thing to check was is php working at all. this one was not the reason.

The XAMPP demopage (http://localhost/xampp/) is not working?
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby bizarre » 11. November 2009 07:26

It was working.
Looks like there are many changes in PHP 5.3 and the reason is not in XAMPP at all.
We should refer to the PHP changelog i think. Also there is a migration guide from 5.2.X to 5.3 at the PHP website.
Anyway I don't have time to rewrite all my code so I simply installed 1.7.1 and it works fine now.

Thanks for the attention!
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby y0ursource » 21. January 2010 21:13

i've left this a while now hoping something would change or their would be a reply but still nothing.

people ARE having issues with php not being correctly parsed in 1.7.2 has this issue been corrected fixed in 1.7.3?
also you mentioned this is turned on/off in the php.ini not being funny but can you tell me where you find this on/off switch
and have you actually tried this yourself?
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Wiedmann » 21. January 2010 22:07

has this issue been corrected fixed in 1.7.3?

No, because it's not an issue.
(as of PHP 4 you can read in the manaul that using short tags is not recommended. And everyone can change this value on it's own server if it's needed)

can you tell me where you find this on/off switch


have you actually tried this yourself?

No. Nobody want use short tags... (tm)
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Liquid1 » 23. January 2010 02:25

Am rather saddened to say nothing seems to work in PHP correctly now as the man above is rightly telling you files are just dropped...I too have used your software many years, and never come across this before.
Your server software I would personaly says was one of the best out there for free untill now. People have paid for PHP Scripts to run on your bespoke software
"as I have" only to find nothing works fully or loads in php...am no script jocky so untill you post a work around I am stuck what to do.
Can you understand people are feeling a tad let down by you, have got others asking me why a server software I recommend is letting them down.
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Liquid1 » 23. January 2010 02:42

would it be possible to write a script to pull the correct aformention php file, call the line number and have a on or off option on said php screen with log on details boxs so mySQL could fix the file....btw I no nothing about scripting but it seems the best way forward for people with no idea how to fix this, a simple script we upload to our server and run???. :roll:
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Re: What Went Wrong with 1.7.2 PHP does not get parased

Postby Liquid1 » 23. January 2010 02:56

Here is a better idea and would take you moments been coders just put sort tags on so all of us" and I mean 1000's of updaters" can turn it off if we want to, now there is a refreshing idea, its not like we are going to throw payed for php scripts in the trash for a update is it :lol:
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