server not working

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

server not working

Postby shawninder » 06. September 2009 19:02


I have just installed xampp Windows Vista Home Premium V.6 SP 1
When I go to localhost, I get the expected index page. But if I add my own files in htdocs (for example: htdocs/phpTest.php) and try to see them (going to localhost/phpTest.php, for example), I get "Object not found!" with "URL not found on this server"

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Is there an english version of the forum?
Gibt es eine Englisch Version des Forums? Sorry für die schlechte Übersetzung
Last edited by shawninder on 06. September 2009 19:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 06. September 2009 18:52

Re: php not working

Postby Wiedmann » 06. September 2009 19:51

How is your problem related to PHP? (or that's working with a .html file?)
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Re: php not working

Postby shawninder » 06. September 2009 19:57

Oh, I'm sorry, it doesn't work with .html either. So I guess it isn't related to PHP
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Re: server not working

Postby Wiedmann » 06. September 2009 20:29

Well, the message is clear:
The file you are accessing with this URI doesn't exists in the filesystem (at the location the server is searching for it).

So you have to think about:
- the file name
- the filesystem location (directory) of this file
- the URI you are using
- and the DocumentRoot (the starting point your server is searching for files)

Maybe the "error.log" can give you a hint.
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Re: server not working

Postby shawninder » 06. September 2009 20:35

I've double-checked the file name

I placed my file directly in the htdocs folder, is this the right place?

I use the following uri:


As for the DocumentRoot, how can I check/change this?

And how can i find the error.log
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Joined: 06. September 2009 18:52

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