no tomcat_start.bat?

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no tomcat_start.bat?

Postby th1alb » 15. July 2009 04:04

Hello, i cannot find any "tomcat_start.bat" in the XAMPP root dir (i've downloaded the Selfextracting 7-ZIP archive).
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Re: no tomcat_start.bat?

Postby glitzi85 » 15. July 2009 09:20

Tomcat is a Module for Apache. You do not need to start anything except your Apache.

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Re: no tomcat_start.bat?

Postby Wiedmann » 15. July 2009 09:42

glitzi85 wrote:Tomcat is a Module for Apache.

Tomcat is a separate server.

th1alb wrote:i've downloaded the Selfextracting 7-ZIP archive

What exactly have you downloaded?

th1alb wrote:Hello, i cannot find any "tomcat_start.bat" in the XAMPP root dir

If you mean the tomcat add-on, I also can't see this batchfile (7zip-exe download)...

Well, the batchfile to install Tomcat as service exists. So you can use this and start >Tomcat with the msc.
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Re: no tomcat_start.bat?

Postby glitzi85 » 15. July 2009 10:02

My Fault, sorry :oops:

I now have downloaded the 7zip version of the Tomcat AddOn and installed it. Installation is quite simple, just use the xampp path for extracting and answer with Yes if you get asked to overwrite files.

If you want to start Tomcat with a batch file, go into xampp\tomcat\bin and start the startup.bat
In my case, nothing happened. Tomcat expects the system variable JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME to be set to the Java Installation path. On my Machine this was not the case. You can set this Variable in this way:

Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Tab Advanced -> Button Environment Variables

Check both lists for one of the two variables. If they do not exist, you need to create them. If you want to run Tomcat as a service, you need to define the variable in the bottom list (only possible as Administrator), if you want to run Tomcat with your Username, then you need to define it in the upper list. Just hit the New Button and use as Variable name JRE_HOME and as Variable value the path to your Java installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jre6). Then you need to restart your Computer.

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Re: no tomcat_start.bat?

Postby th1alb » 15. July 2009 20:23

glitzi85 wrote:If you want to start Tomcat with a batch file, go into xampp\tomcat\bin and start the startup.bat

Perfect, this is what i wanted to know. :lol:

glitzi85 wrote:In my case, nothing happened. Tomcat expects the system variable JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME to be set to the Java Installation path. On my Machine this was not the case. You can set this Variable in this way:

Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Tab Advanced -> Button Environment Variables

Check both lists for one of the two variables. If they do not exist, you need to create them. If you want to run Tomcat as a service, you need to define the variable in the bottom list (only possible as Administrator), if you want to run Tomcat with your Username, then you need to define it in the upper list. Just hit the New Button and use as Variable name JRE_HOME and as Variable value the path to your Java installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jre6). Then you need to restart your Computer.


You can also define the needed environment variables in the batch file itself.
I've made a startup script in the XAMPP root dir that simply do that and calls "startup.bat":
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo Tomcat is starting ...

set JRE_HOME=%SystemDrive%\PortableApps\Java\jre6
set JDK_HOME=%SystemDrive%\PortableApps\Java\jdk1.6.0_14

start "Tomcat" /D"%~dp0tomcat\bin" "startup.bat"

REM call "%~dp0tomcat\bin\startup.bat"
REM this will not work, keep current working dir

Since "%~dp0" automatically expands to XAMPP root dir now i can also alias the script:
Code: Select all
doskey tomcat_start=%SystemDrive%\PortableApps\XAMPP\tomcat_start.bat
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