Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

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Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby rohitsethi » 18. February 2009 10:48


Got a unique problem here (i think ..). When I click "start" from the XAMPP control panel, it runs for a second or so and then stops. No errors reported or anything. I check the windows firewall which is turned off, so cant think of anything else.

Any help appreciated!

Many Thanks!
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby Wiedmann » 18. February 2009 10:58

When I click "start" from the XAMPP control panel, it runs for a second or so and then stops.

Are you using Apache as service (SVC checked) or not?
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby rohitsethi » 18. February 2009 11:07

its unchecked .. so nope!
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby Izzy » 18. February 2009 12:05

Try running the apache_start.bat file in the xampp folder as it usually gives a good indication why it can't start.
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby rohitsethi » 18. February 2009 12:13


I get the following message on running the bat file:

The Apache2.2 service could not be started.

A service specific error occurred: 1.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.

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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby rohitsethi » 18. February 2009 12:21


I tried running apache as a service, that created 3 entries in the event log

The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> (OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address

then i stopped the IIS, removed apache service and restarted the machine and encountered the same problem.

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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby Izzy » 18. February 2009 12:26

It may not be enough just to stop IIS you may have to disable it in the Windows Control Panel.

How did you remove the apache service?

Try running xampp\apache\apache_uninstallservice.bat file.

If that fails to get you started try:

sc delete apache2.2 (or sc delete apache2)
Click OK

Reboot your PC then try again to start apache.
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby Wiedmann » 18. February 2009 12:27

A service specific error occurred: 1.

In general:
If you start something as Windows service, you find the errors in the Windows event log.

>>> (OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address

There is something using port 443 on your system. Use "xampp-portcheck" or "netstat" or "tcpview" to find the program which is causing the conflict.
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby rohitsethi » 18. February 2009 12:37


I cant find anythying thats using 443. Is there a way i can tell apache to listen on another port?
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby Wiedmann » 18. February 2009 12:40

I cant find anythying thats using 443.

How have you done this?

Is there a way i can tell apache to listen on another port?

Change the Listen directive (for SSL), or disable SSL if you don't need it.
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby rohitsethi » 18. February 2009 12:58

Hi All,

I updated the ssl.conf file to listen to port 0909 and it worked!

Now that its fixed, i feel stupid that i spent so much time on such a small thing!

thank you all for your time and help!

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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby pauer1000 » 17. June 2009 21:39


i have just downloaded xampp software and run the installer and extraced the pacakge. i then ran the batch file apache_start.bat and mysql_start.bat once
I know try and run xampp and there is a conflict with microsoft Information server IIS 5.0

Is there any where that i could change IIS5.0 to another poort an drun both?

Thanks for your help guys

Richard Pauer
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby ericisshort » 04. March 2010 01:26

I set up XAMPP yesterday, and it gave me a similar problem to the one that rohitsethi had. After initial installation, it gave me this problem once, but after I restarted my system, it worked fine. I was able to access phpmyadmin and add databases, but today the problem has returned and my search for a solution led me here.

Izzy wrote:Try running the apache_start.bat file in the xampp folder as it usually gives a good indication why it can't start.

When I run "apache_start.bat," all it responds with:

Now we start Apache
Starting "apache"...
"apache" is not started.
Press any key to continue . . .

Not very descriptive at all. :? Is there another way to find out more information about what exactly is happening here?

Also, after inspecting IIS, I found that http was using port 80, and I have changed that to 8080 but still see the same problem. After a restart, XAMPP's Port-Check utility informs me that port 80 is still being used by "Process: System." I downloaded and tried using TCPView, but I still couldn't figure out how to find out what other process is using which port.

I'm admittedly very new to all of this, so any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated.

Any help and/or suggestions to fix this?
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby ericisshort » 04. March 2010 18:21

Is there a way that I can change the port that Apache uses?

If so how?
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Re: Apache starts and stops without error on Windows

Postby cbu21576 » 19. May 2010 18:37

I had the same problem with previously running sql server. My apache was starting then stoping. What i did was on the xampp console click port-check and found that 80(http) was being used and so was 443(https). then i went to the httpd.conf file in apache and changed the line
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 80
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 8080

save this then on the console hit setup. this opens the 1-7/x set of options and i dont care about https for what im doing so turn it off (3). Then it should work. keep in mind the admin button wont work so you have to put in http://localhost:8080 to get the test screen or /placeyouwanttoaccess.
i hope that helps you
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