XAMPP with libxml2-2.7.3 and php-5.2.9 or libexpat

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XAMPP with libxml2-2.7.3 and php-5.2.9 or libexpat

Postby stephenloosli » 14. February 2009 00:07

Two related questions:

1) Can anyone guide me on how to replace the libxml and.or php packages in XAMPP? The latest versions correct a troublesome XML parsing issue that I need resolved.

or alternatively

2) Can anyone guide me on how to change the XML package in XAMPP from libxml to libexpat?

When will XAMPP release a maintenance patch with the latest libxml and php packages?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: XAMPP with libxml2-2.7.3 and php-5.2.9 or libexpat

Postby moissinac » 08. June 2009 12:03

I'm in the same situation.
Your message was from February.
The situation seems to be unchanged, with a broken XML support.
Anyone has an idea? a workaround?
Posts: 3
Joined: 08. June 2009 10:29

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