Cannot make remote connection to MySQL

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Cannot make remote connection to MySQL

Postby shsavage » 30. March 2009 22:26


I have an xampp installation running on Windows Server 2000, with a firewall set up that allows traffic on port 3306 to come through. My web applications operate normally. But when I try to set up a remote connection from Toad for MySQL, I cannot get in to MySQL. I get "access denied" messages. Does anybody know how to connect to a MySQL database remotely?


Stephen H. Savage
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Re: Cannot make remote connection to MySQL

Postby Wiedmann » 30. March 2009 22:43

But when I try to set up a remote connection ... I get "access denied" messages.

You need a user like user@% in MySQL.

The default user in XAMPP have user@localhost (only connections from localhost are allowed).
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