Busy, busy, busy

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Busy, busy, busy

Postby commonwealthman » 22. March 2009 14:35

Just installed XAMPP with the installer on my computer which runs on Vista. Installation went fine, the XAMPP control panel comes up fine, but when I click on Apache and/or MYSQL, they won't start and the error message says "busy."

I tried the uninstall_bat and the the install_bat in the xampp/apache/ folder, and rebooted, and these two application still won't start, although filezilla does.

I know this has probably been dealt with a million times, but I can't find the information to fix this. Your help is most appreciated.
Posts: 7
Joined: 25. September 2006 13:22

Re: Busy, busy, busy

Postby Izzy » 22. March 2009 22:33

Did you reinstall after uninstalling a previous attempt perhaps?

Is UAC disabled and are you logged in as an Administrator?

Have a look in this Topic and you may want to start at page 4 and work back to see if anything in there helps.
or here:
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Re: Busy, busy, busy

Postby commonwealthman » 24. March 2009 20:46

Hi Izzy,

I had wiped my hard drive and did a complete operating system re-install, so any earlier versions of xampp should have been removed. Isn't there something a little more targeted to my situation, in that when I hit the buttons to start Apache and mysql, I get a message that the service is starting, but then it says busy...

Should I try to uninstall and reinstall again? Thanks for your help.
Posts: 7
Joined: 25. September 2006 13:22

Re: Busy, busy, busy

Postby Izzy » 25. March 2009 00:49

I know this has probably been dealt with a million times, but I can't find the information to fix this...
...Isn't there something a little more targeted to my situation...
Read my post again and the links it contains and you will find the solution for your situation, unless you want me to repeat once again what I have already written a million and one times before.

Post back with what you have tried that does not help your situation.

Should I try to uninstall and reinstall again?
If you do then the same thing will happen again unless you follow the simple instructions in the readme_en.txt file to uninstall a previous instance and before reinstalling with perhaps a different method like the EXE (7zip) self extracting version.

Izzy wrote:Is UAC disabled and are you logged in as an Administrator?
You did not answer my question.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Re: Busy, busy, busy

Postby commonwealthman » 25. March 2009 01:34

UAC is disabled and I'm logged in as Administrator. I will go through steps as outlined. Can you explain why I should start at page 4 and work backward?
Posts: 7
Joined: 25. September 2006 13:22

Re: Busy, busy, busy

Postby Izzy » 25. March 2009 01:43

Working back in that post may save you some reading time but by all means start at page one and then read all the post, which may help with your understanding of your situation and the many posts involved in answering what seems to you a simple process..
Posts: 3344
Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

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