Making xampp public

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Making xampp public

Postby smallie9 » 19. March 2009 23:35

I want to set up a server and I installed xampp since it looked like a good program. I'm new to this and I'm not sure excatly how to make my server opened to public. Is there a file I need to edit, if so please tell me how. I set up a DNS at dyndns and hooked it to my ip, but idk how to make it public, I searched the forum and didn't find anything similar to this. So please help me!!!!!
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Joined: 19. March 2009 23:31

Re: Making xampp public

Postby Izzy » 20. March 2009 00:32

What version of Windows?

What version of XAMPP?
Both omitted.

Where have you put your web site files?

What do you see when you type in the address bar of your browser the domain address or IP you configured at DynDNS?

Are you using a router?

If so, have you configured your router to allow access to the ports XAMPP uses?

Have you opened the ports XAMPP uses in your firewall?

In other words you have not provided much information for us to work with to help you do what you are wanting to do - remember we can't see your screen nor can we know what you have done or what you are doing from here, you have to relay as much of this detail as possible.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

Re: Making xampp public

Postby smallie9 » 20. March 2009 01:02

What version of Windows?
Windows Vista
What version of XAMPP?
ApacheFriends XAMPP ersion 1.7.0

Where have you put your web site files?
What do you see when you type in the address bar of your browser the domain address or IP you configured at DynDNS?
The domain I chose was www.sw6chat,, what I see is nothing it just takes forever to load and eventually a server time out.
Are you using a router?
Have you opened the ports XAMPP uses in your firewall?

Someone told me that I had to add my ip in a line saying NameVirtualHost? I don't know where this is, they said it was to configure your apache with your ip so other people could view it.
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Joined: 19. March 2009 23:31

Re: Making xampp public

Postby Izzy » 20. March 2009 01:16

This address will never work www.sw6chat, as it contains a comma and make sure that the www address has been configured at your DNS provider as the address containing www is different to one that does not contain the www part.

You are using a New York cable provider, so make sure your ISP, Optimum Online, does not block port 80 as most cable providers do - if your ISP provided IP address ( does not connect to your Apache server when it is running on port 80 then you are more than likely being blocked by your ISP (or perhaps there is some mal configuration in your router or cable modem).

BTW - Your FileZilla FTP Server is running on the above IP address on port 21 which may not be blocked by your ISP but port 80 and port 25 are showing as blocked.
Optimum TOS wrote:Optimum Online:

i. Users may not run any type of server on the system. This includes but is not limited to FTP, IRC, SMTP, POP, HTTP, SOCKS, SQUID, DNS or any multi-user forums;

ii. Users may not register or point a domain, sub-domain, or hostname to any Optimum Online IP address. Moreover, Users may not have traffic redirected to the Optimum Online Service;
So if you are on Optimum Online then this TOS applies to you and would make it difficult for you to do what you want with regard to a web server and a domain from DynDNS.

Do a forum search in the XAMPP for Windows forum using the advanced search facility using the keyword vhost or virtualhost and you can use my name Izzy in the author field to help reduce the number of results, as there are many post with some good examples for you to try out and experiment with.

Paste your httpd-vhosts.conf file after having a go if it doesn't work when using some of the examples found in the search results and I will take a look at it for you in this topic only.
Posts: 3344
Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

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