I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby ronmerk » 13. March 2009 19:37

Hi Everyone:

Ok, I admit it ...I was dum, dum, dum! ....enough beating myself up ...I really could use some help please.

I've been using XAMPP for the last 2 months with absolutely no problem. I needed to migrate some data from one data base to another so I decided to download and install the MySQLTools from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/.

This has entirely wrecked my XAMPP set up. When I try and run XAMPP or it's components MySQL or Apachie I get "Ports 80, 443, and 3306 " are already in use.

I'm running Vista:

Here's what I've tried so far:

Un-installed MySQLTools
Rebooted - no luck
Un-installed XAMPP
-no luck
Rolled back Vista registry to a date before the MySQLTools
No luck
Checked these forums for solutions.

I tried the solution changing httpd.conf from

# Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf


# Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
# Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Also read various other solutions, but none seem to work.

I have checked what is running on those ports. Vista tells me they're being used by "SYSTEM"

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Joined: 13. March 2009 19:21

Re: I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby Izzy » 14. March 2009 00:19

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Re: I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby ronmerk » 15. March 2009 04:41

Hi Izzy:

Thanks for the reply.

Neither ISS or ICU are running on my machine or did prior to the problem.

You're suggestion re:

If not then go to
type sc delete apache2.2 >OK

then type sc delete mysql >OK

Did work partially. It seemed to at least get rid of the phantom service running on port 3306

Unfortunately I still have the following challenge:

1. I can access phpMyAdmin using I get "Failed to connect " when I use http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

2. I'm also getting an "Access Violation" for LIBMYSQL.DLL re running WinMySQLAdmin 1.14

3. Last but not least is a Driver 3.56 not found error for MySQL

I have completely uninstalled XAMPP and reinstalled, but it doesn't help

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

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Joined: 13. March 2009 19:21

Re: I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby Izzy » 15. March 2009 05:06

ronmerk wrote:1. I can access phpMyAdmin using I get "Failed to connect " when I use http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

Ron, go to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ and drag the Hosts file into your open Notepad by right clicking on Notepad and run as administrator.

Find this line:
::1 localhost

And either delete it or comment it out like so:
# ::1 localhost

Save the file and try and access localhost again first empty your browser's cache.

ronmerk wrote:2. I'm also getting an "Access Violation" for LIBMYSQL.DLL re running WinMySQLAdmin 1.14
DO NOT RUN this or press the Admin... button in the XAMPP Control Panel.

Remove the shortcut in your Windows startup folder if there is one.

Stop the app by right clicking on the traffic light icon in the tray and selecting Win NT> Shutdown this tool - you may have to then go to the XCP and remove the tick in the Svc box which will then allow MySQL to run again.

To be sure that you do not run this app again, delete the 3 WinMySQLAdmin files in the xampp\mysql\bin folder as this app is deprecated and no longer supported - use phpMyAdmin instead.

The other error may go away when all the above is sorted and then a reboot is done.

Please do post back if you still have issues or if the above gets you up and running.
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Re: I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby ronmerk » 15. March 2009 19:45

Hi Izzy:

It's all so simple NOW :)

You're an amazing guy. Thanks for all your help. It all worked perfectly AND after you explained the MYSQL stuff in the XAMPP control panel, every thing fell into place in my head .....

Now if only I could find a easy to use program (which is why I tried the MYSQLTools, which started this whole mess) that allows a person to migrate data (not just tables) from one SQL data base to another SQL data base ....then the world would truly be paperless (well maybe not completely, but close) :)

Thanks again Izzy, you really made life for me a lot easier. I appreciate it. Keep up the great work!!

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Re: I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby kevin_hill54 » 02. April 2009 12:52

Have a look at Navicat.
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Re: I was Stupid - Ports Not Working

Postby Nobbie » 02. April 2009 16:41

ronmerk wrote:to migrate data (not just tables) from one SQL data base to another SQL data base

In most cases, a simple copy of the datadir of mysql will do the job. Each directory in the data-directory stands for a database, the files in the directory are the tables of the database (including index files etc.).

You should copy the desired database-directories from one mysql data-dir to the other (or simply overtake the whole data directory). Simply give it a try.
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