Vista SP1 problems

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Vista SP1 problems

Postby berofx » 04. February 2009 01:18

Hi guys!

I've recently reinstalled my system (Windows Vista Home Premium), and updated it with SP1.

Here is where my problems start.

XAMPP works perfectly until I try and use the Console (I work a lot with CakePHP and it's Bake console utility).

My problem is every time I run the console, XAMPP goes wild.

I can open the http://localhost and and see the folders there.
But things like http://localhost/mysite brings up a "Connection interrupted" error.

Reinstalling everything does the trick, until I start the console again.

Please note:

This has nothing to do with the hosts file and ::1 line. Tried and it doesn't work.
It's not a "CLI has stopped working" problem. Tried it, doesn't work.
Updating the MySQLi extension in php/ext folder doesn't work.

Is it just me, or does SP1 do some weird voodoo that makes XAMPP go crazy?

Once again, the problem starts AFTER I use the console.

Sorry if I sound bitchy, it's driving me mad :|
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Re: Vista SP1 problems

Postby Izzy » 04. February 2009 01:25

I can open the http://localhost and and see the folders there.
You should see the XAMPP Welcome Page not a folder list.

Have you turned of UAC and logged in as an administrator or even a Super Administrator?
To run a web server and install and uninstall services etc. in Vista you need full admin rights.

My problem is every time I run the console, XAMPP goes wild.
What console are you referring to?

Right clicking on most exe and bat files and selecting to run as an administrator even if logged in as an admin is often the way of life in Vista.
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Re: Vista SP1 problems

Postby berofx » 04. February 2009 01:32


Thanks for your quick reply.

Okay, I remove all the default stuff XAMPP has in it's htdocs folder and only leave the folders with the projects I have (weird?).

Second, when I type http://localhost/mysite I get the error "Apache HTTP stopped working".

The console is the standard Windows CMD utility (the ugly black window).

Anyhow, what I usually do (And what worked before I reinstalled Vista) was open up the console,type

Code: Select all
cd c:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\cake\console\
php cake.php bake

And this would generate some code.

But now even after the first command I get "CLI has stopped working" error. And then everything stops working.

The usual fix for this message is to replace the php_mysqli.dll in php/ext folder, but now that's not working.
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Re: Vista SP1 problems

Postby Izzy » 04. February 2009 01:41

Is MySQL and Apache running?

Run xampp\apache_start.bat file and see if there is an error message.

See if any clues in the xampp\apache\logs\error.log file.
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Re: Vista SP1 problems

Postby berofx » 04. February 2009 01:47

Okay, after another quick reinstall I tried running Console as the Administrator.


Thanks for the advice, I love XAMPP, it's amazing to be a part of this community :D
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Joined: 04. February 2009 01:09

Re: Vista SP1 problems

Postby Izzy » 04. February 2009 01:53

Thanks for posting back with your solution, it does help others searching for a similar solution.

Here are some links for help with Vista that maybe of some use:

Good luck.
Posts: 3344
Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

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