Installation problem on Windows

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Installation problem on Windows

Postby aqua » 27. January 2009 06:07

Code: Select all
[code]After downloading SQL 4.1 with installer, received the message installation was not complete. After entering password to the mysqlmyadmin, I got the following error, "WIN NT, Access violation at address 1000a1ft7 in module LIBMYSQL.dll". I tried to uninstall everything but the mysqlmyadmin "traffic light" icon still appears in the task bar when the computer is retarted and has to be manually stopped from displaying the above error message repeating. I could not find where to uninstall this in program files, only the shortcut icon in the start menu.  I would appreciate any information on uninstalling this. 

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Joined: 26. January 2009 21:16

Re: Installation problem on Windows

Postby Izzy » 27. January 2009 06:21

The English language forums are here (this may well be moved there by a forum moderator):

Do a forum search for access violation in the XAMPP for Windows forum and it will reveal the answers you want as this question has been asked many times.

It has been installed as a service and needs the service uninstalled.
Right click on the traffic light icon select Win NT> and the controls are there to install and uninstall the service and to Shut down the tool.

The error messages can be stopped by right click on the Task Bar>Task Manager>Processes tab and find the winmysqladmin file, highlight and click End Process.
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Joined: 25. April 2006 17:06

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