multiple instances of xampp on desktop

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

multiple instances of xampp on desktop

Postby adnet23 » 21. January 2009 08:12

If I have one instance of xampp 1.7.0 contained in one directory with all my sites and databases and everything... and i make a copy of that directory on my desktop with a new name, and i go into the new folder, repair the paths and then start the program... will it read my sites from THAT specific folder, or is it gonna read the sites from the first folder.

I hope i explained this clearly.
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Joined: 19. January 2009 22:27

Re: multiple instances of xampp on desktop

Postby dmphotography » 21. January 2009 08:55

I made the same mistake as you are doing when I first tried using XAMPP.

You do not need to run a second instance of XAMPP to have a second website. All you need to do is enable vhosts and simply create a new folder for the new website. Do a search on vhost or VirtualHost and you should find the information you're looking for.

I thought I had a tutorial on how to do that, but I guess not. So I'll go write one now!
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