Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby gameboyz » 09. January 2009 10:28

Hi, I know Apache and MySQL can be started with apache_start.bat and mysql_start.bat... however the readme_en.txt says that to stop the apache just close the cmd window and to stop mysql run mysql_stop.bat

However using apache_stop.bat and closing the mysql cmd works too. So I would like to know what is the apache_stop.bat for and will it have any (bad) effects on the installation if I close it NOT according to the readme :(
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby Izzy » 09. January 2009 11:00

The bat files issue a command to apache either to start or to stop - drag those files in your text editor to see those commands and how the bat files are coded.

Closing the start bat file console window has the effect of breaking the command that keeps the console window open and Apache running.

So doing either will not harm or give you cause for concern as thats how the bat files were designed to operate.

The above applies to any of those control bat files in xampp.

You also have the choice of using the XAMPP Control Panel - xampp-control.exe to do all those chores plus controlling the component's ability to run as a service so they will start every time you reboot your PC.

If for some reason one or more of XAMPP's components won't stop then you can do that chore in the Windows Task Manager accessible from the Task Bar context menu by ending the process and again any of these methods will not harm your installation.

If you have trouble starting Apache for example, then running the apache_start.bat file will usually have a detailed error message giving the reason - good for troubleshooting a bad start issue.
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby gameboyz » 09. January 2009 12:02

so basically you mean running the xxx_stop.bat or closing the start cmd window has the same effect, both which will not have any negative impacts on the installation/system?
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby Izzy » 09. January 2009 12:10

gameboyz wrote:so basically you mean running the xxx_stop.bat or closing the start cmd window has the same effect, both which will not have any negative impacts on the installation/system?
You got it - enjoy. :)
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby gameboyz » 10. January 2009 00:20

Hi how do you control a component's ability to run as a service? Under xampp control panel Apache and MySQL are running with the Svc box on the left checked. If I uncheck Apache's svc box, it says "Click OK to uninstall the Apache Service". However after I uncheck MySQL's svc box, it automatically rechecks itself after like 1/2 second.

Also in the Service Settings Window the "Run XAMPP Control Panel as a Service" is checked, with Apache and MySQL below checked too.
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby gameboyz » 10. January 2009 00:59

Hi i have fixed that D:
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby Izzy » 10. January 2009 01:40

Oops! sorry double post - fingers and brain are not what they used to be. ;)
Last edited by Izzy on 10. January 2009 05:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby Izzy » 10. January 2009 01:47

gameboyz wrote:Hi i have fixed that D:
Good forum etiquette is to round off a helpful topic with how you fixed it so others reading this topic with similar issues know just how you did fix it. :)
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Re: Starting and stopping Apache/MySQL

Postby dmphotography » 10. January 2009 04:55

Izzy wrote:Good forum etiquette is to round off a helpful topic with how you fixed it so others reading this topic with similar issues know just how you did fix it. :)

AGREED!! There's nothing worse than reading thread after thread when trying to fix a problem and no one ever mentioning how they fixed it. Even if you solve it or get a little further on the problem, post it! Keep updating your thread if you keep making progress, because the better details in how you're working through fixing it, the better the chances someone else will benefit from that thread and not be banging their head on the desk because it was one more thread they read and didn't help.
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