xampp + eclipse

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp + eclipse

Postby sergarbes » 02. January 2009 17:17

Hi all,

I've installed xampp and eclipse ptd.

I want to develope php applications localy. My question is ...

Where you configure Eclipse workspace directory so when you point to it you can view the developed pages ?

I'm trying to set up a virtualhost. It only works for me when the served pages are in htdocs directory from xampp installation. I tried to configure a virtual host to point /Users/my_user_name/workspace/test and I recived a Forbiden access error.

I tried to set up another virtual host to /Users/my_user_name/Sites and it works fine.

How do you set up you workspace when you develope using xampp anb Eclipse ?

Thanks in advance !

Posts: 4
Joined: 02. January 2009 17:03

Re: xampp + eclipse

Postby xoundboy » 06. February 2010 19:23

you need to configure the <Directory "..."> section in the httpd.conf file such that the new document root is entered like so:

<Directory "/Users/my_user_name/workspace/test">

I just had exactly the same problem and I found the answer here http://www.cs.trincoll.edu/hfoss/wiki/H ... with_XAMPP
Posts: 1
Joined: 06. February 2010 19:19

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