
Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.


Postby giles1000 » 03. September 2008 17:01

Hi all

I'm finishing a developement that I'm running on XAMPP as my localhost, checking & uploading to my linux domain. I'm learning about mysql_real_escape_string. All is working fine on my linux server (e.g. it appends characters on way to database with \' and removes the \ when serving the query again).

However on XAMPP the \ is being served when I view the record again. My guess is that XAMPP is set to show this, and my server is set not to. I'm making an enquiry with my domaine host, but can I sak you, if to your knowledge XAMPP is set to do this out of the box?

I'd appreciate any help
Best Giles
Posts: 6
Joined: 03. September 2008 16:52

Postby glitzi85 » 03. September 2008 20:12

Are you sure that the escaping is done by mysql_real_escape_string and the data is not escaped already before?

You should compare the settings on your server and on your local PC watching for differences in Magic Quotes.

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