Mysql wont start

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Mysql wont start

Postby tdktank59 » 16. August 2008 12:22

Seems alot of people are having problems with mysql...

And i seem to be one of those...

Heres my hardware if it matters

MBP 2.5Ghz C2D 4 gig ram blah blah blah (top of the line as of right now)

WebServer is turned off in system prefs.

Fresh install of Leopard, rebooted, installed via terminal commands, rebooted, started got

Starting XAMPP for MacOS X 0.7.3...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for MacOS X started.
sh-3.2# /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server: line 159: kill (190) - No Such Process

i can go to localhost and says everything is active besides mysql. Im stumped and need some help.

Followed all directions and Wasnt able to find a clear answer thought the forms. Everyone seemed to somehow magicaly fix it by rebooting and that step didnt work for me.

Ive tried rebooting about 3 times now and it still hastn decided to work Ive also tried starting without ssl and that also dosnt work.

Im open to try anything However im not going to install mysql seperate i want it to stay with this...
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Postby jmdirc » 16. August 2008 20:57

Personal Web Sharing has got to be started.
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Postby tdktank59 » 16. August 2008 22:45

Nope does not solve the problem.

Started web sharing from system prefs. Rebooted. Appache was running. without xampp started.

Started xampp.

Mysql still fails same error message as above...

line 159 on mysql.server is the function "wait_for_pid ()"

so if anyone knows what that does???
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Postby jmdirc » 17. August 2008 00:00

Wow, 0.7.3?

Mine is entirely different:

Mine is in xampfiles/share/ mysql/ directory

and my lines are:

line 159:

kill -0 $2 || break # if the program goes away, stop waiting

line 190:

elif test -x $bindir/mysql_print_defaults


I've looked around a bit and found no solid answers - the pid is something to do when mysql is idle.

You could always uninstall through the command line, reboot and then reinstall. You probably have tried that already I'll keep looking ...
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Postby tdktank59 » 17. August 2008 01:35

Yeah that was one of the things ive found and tried...

Ive even used onyx to clean up some sys files and what not.

Im running out of ideas lol...

And this seems to be a BIG problem...
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Postby jmdirc » 17. August 2008 03:36

Well, all I can suggest is to install the softwares yourself - it is easy now days, really easy. I'll send you a link to video instructions that make it a breeze if you like.

Did you go through the security setup? Check out my other posts:
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Postby tdktank59 » 17. August 2008 04:26

yeah i did...
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Postby jorann » 22. August 2008 14:22

never mind, i read wrong and posted a solution to another problem :P
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