Alles, was PHP betrifft, kann hier besprochen werden.


Postby rich69 » 03. August 2008 14:17

Hi all. First sorry for writing in English. I would be grateful for any suggestions on fixing the following problems. I have been using apachefriends for a few years successfully. Was evaluating a software recently that was written in php and needed some changes done to the php.ini. Unfortunately, after playing around with this software and the php.ini, my entire php capability is non fuctional. I can no longer get any valuable information on the php environment using phpinfo.php. Instead I get the following lines below, and no exucation of any software. I have tried to replace the php.ini, and even the entire bin to no avail. I dont want to have to uninstall xxapp. Any suggestions before I am forced to do this. I really want the php up and running again. Thanks again.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24 \par \pard\f1\fs20\par }
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Postby deepsurfer » 03. August 2008 14:41

have you change anything in the correct php.ini ??

look in pphpinfo() there is the correct folder that xampp use for php.ini

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Postby rich69 » 03. August 2008 15:02

Thanks for responding. Yes. I did change the mailing function in the php.ini, and it was working fine with the corrections. I have also been able to identify the correct php.ini folder. However, I cannot use the phpinfo.php to look at the php parameters and everytime I do the following, I get the lines above. Any other thoughts?
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Postby Nobbie » 03. August 2008 15:40

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24 \par \pard\f1\fs20\par }

This is a header of a "Rich Text Format" Document, what is an exchangeable document format for office programs (like Word, OpenOffice etc.).

Did you play around with a Rich Text Generator or any Office Tools? Maybe you installed a .htaccess in you htdocs Folder which redirects all URLs to a certain Generator?!
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Postby rich69 » 03. August 2008 23:00

Thanks for responding. I am trying to retrace my steps and I think you have hit on something. I did copy of content of a php.ini file and saved it in a Word Pad rich text documents in the same directory as the original php.ini file. The content remains the same, but its a mistery to me as to where I am getting the rich text generator text at the top. Ive looked in my htdocs file for a .htacces file, but none there. Any other idieas?
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Postby rich69 » 03. August 2008 23:24

In response to the previous suggestion, I discovered that I had saved the phpinfo.php file in my htdocs in wordpad under rich text document. I copied and save the contents to a notepad text document, and something interesting occurred when I surfered to The rich text I was once seeing disappeared, and I get a totally BLANK SCREEN now. So, there is some progress. If I can only get the phpinfo to now pull up, Ill be back to scare one. Again, any other suggustions? Thanks again in advance.
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Postby rich69 » 03. August 2008 23:54

More findings. When I try to veiw a php document in the browser, not only is it blank, but when I try to view the source, this is what I get, essentially no content:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></HEAD>
How can I fix this problem? Any suggestions?
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Postby Nobbie » 04. August 2008 11:54

Try to avoid wordpad as well as notepad and go for a free text editor (for example textpad from

Open the phpinfo.php file with the textpad editor and look at the contents. You should have only a few lines in it:

Code: Select all

Also open php.ini with textpad and look at the contents. It MUST NOT contain any RTF-Text or HTML Tags, but simply the configuration of PHP. By using wordpad and saving as RTF File you destroyed(!) as well php.ini as phpinfo.php.

Then try to run it again (http://localhost/phpinfo.php).
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Postby rich69 » 04. August 2008 13:12

I want to thank you for responding. I am grateful for your input. Have followed thru on your recorrmendation and downloaded the textpad. The phpinfo seems fine. The php.ini had some strange codes in it which I tried to clean up, but I cannot be certain I got everything as evidence that I am still getting a blank screen. I was not aware of the issues with Word Pad & Note Pad editiors as well as that with Rich Text. Lesson learned for sure because this problem is a pain in the rear. I am wondering if there is anyway I can get a fresh copy of php.ini where I can used the new editor to make edits and try to resolve this problem? Can I do so by downloading PHP? Im afraid to make things worse by doing so unless I know for certain it would work. Awaiting any input. Thanks again.
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Postby Nobbie » 04. August 2008 14:10

Download a ZIP Package from, you will find "clean" php.ini inside.
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Postby rich69 » 04. August 2008 20:00

I think I'm just about to loose my mind. :x I've already plucked out all of my hair trying to resolve this mess I got myself into. :x I would be grateful if anyone can help me from ending up in the asylym. Ok..take a deep breath Rich, and state the problem...

First, thanks for all the previous suggestions. I have followed them all. Lastly, I downloaded a fresh copy of php.ini and used the textpad to edit and just copied the php.ini in the directory apache/bin/. I then stop and restared apache, and tried to view phpinfo.php in my browser, but I'm still getting nothing but this blank white page. Now to my questions:
1. Is there something that I did wrong?
2. Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance. Please someone...please save me from the insanity ward. I'm just a hair breath away. :x
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Postby Nobbie » 04. August 2008 23:32

>2. Any other suggestions?

Format your disk, re-install Windows and everything else (Xampp etc.) from scratch.
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Postby guw » 05. August 2008 09:04

rich69 wrote:... tried to view phpinfo.php in my browser, but I'm still getting nothing but this blank white page.
Did you look at the source code of that "blank white page"? What does it contain?
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Postby Nobbie » 05. August 2008 11:26

guw wrote:Did you look at the source code of that "blank white page"? What does it contain?

See six postings above:

More findings. When I try to veiw a php document in the browser, not only is it blank, but when I try to view the source, this is what I get, essentially no content:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></HEAD>
How can I fix this problem? Any suggestions?
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Postby rich69 » 05. August 2008 19:05

I just realize that a forum I had working on my site using php is no longer functioning. When I attempt to view the forum in my browser, I get this error message:
This PHP environment doesn't have MySQL support built in. MySQL support is required if you want to use a MySQL database to run this forum. Consult the PHP documentation for further assistance.
Could this be the reason why I am getting this blank screen? Somehow the MySQL is not built into the PHP. I dont know how I loss my original settings. Im reading up on this stuff, but if anyone have any ideas where in the PHP software I have to configure MySQL to work with PHP, please let me know. I had already configured several MySQL databases which are currently nonfuctional. :cry:
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