want my site to be viewable when im offline

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want my site to be viewable when im offline

Postby scottindy » 18. July 2008 03:33

I need my site to be viewable when im offline or when my PC is off, I also have a dynamic Ip Adress so it changes when I restart my ISP, I need to be able to host this for 24-48 hours from my xampp server so I can get approved from an affiliate network, they basically need to verify that I have a site they reveiw the link then approve me.

I also posted this in the foreign forum on a accident didn't know there was a specific forum for english users
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Postby Danodemano » 18. July 2008 03:36

I don't follow, if you have your PC off, then there is no way that the site running on that PC would be visible. The same thing goes if you PC is disconnected from the internet.

I'm not really sure what you are after. If you need a DNS that dynamically updates each time your IP changes, you may want to check out DynDNS.

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Postby scottindy » 18. July 2008 03:44

sounds like you do understand, i need to be online for the site to be visible?

i guess i have to make sure i stay connected then, im on dialup for the time being going to get a deadicated connection as soon as I make enough from my site,

im not running the site from the xampp server i just need it visible so 4-8 affiliate sites can review my link... altho i think they just look up my whois information to approve me.
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Postby Danodemano » 18. July 2008 03:51

If you're not running the site from the PC (and by extension the XAMPP server), then it doesn't matter if that system is online or not.

The only system that needs to be online for the site to be visible it the system on which the site resides.

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Postby scottindy » 18. July 2008 03:55

its just going to be ran from my PC for 24-48 hours then ill eather buy a server or ill buy a webhost when my site is finished, dose that dns you mention cost anything?
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Postby Danodemano » 18. July 2008 03:57

DynDNS is a free service, basically you run a small utility on your system that checks your external IP and updates the DNS record if need be.

This is the site just FYI: http://www.dyndns.com/

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Postby w4vy » 30. July 2008 05:12

I use www.dnsexit.com I think you will find them to be better than dyndns :P

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