dual boot (osx leopard + xp) same database/localhost?

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

dual boot (osx leopard + xp) same database/localhost?

Postby antoniomax » 12. July 2008 09:18

its possible somehow to setup on a common partition htdocs folder and mysql data folder so i can have the same files and db s on a dual boot environment?
any tips?
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Joined: 12. July 2008 09:15

Postby antoniomax » 14. July 2008 13:12

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Joined: 12. July 2008 09:15

Postby antoniomax » 14. July 2008 13:23

What do you guys think about this solution found on this topic::

You could probably just configure a path to it, try this (always make backups before playing with files):

1. with Xampp running
2. find out which mysql is running by typing in which mysql in the terminal that will tell you which one your using. It should give you a path that should point to the Xampp version.
3. Next thing you want to do is point it to your regular mysql. By setting a path for it to look in
5.being extremely careful type this command: note the address has to be where your mysql bin file is located echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin' >>~/.bash_profile
6. hit enter, nothing will appear to have happened but it did
7. now type in cat .bash_profile then enter
8. you should get the export path you previously typed in
9. quit out of Terminal
10. reopen Terminal and type which mysql and it should give you the address to you older version of mysql

As for your htdocs folder / change your php.ini file and point it to the htdocs folder your referring to.
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Joined: 12. July 2008 09:15

Postby Nobbie » 14. July 2008 13:27

Yes, its possible.

But: what is your question? Simply edit httpd.conf (for Apache) and my.cnf (for MySQL) and supply DocumentRoot (htdocs) as needed und DataDir (MySQL Database) as needed. Where is the problem?

Setup Apache for WindowsXP und setup Apache for OSX. Same for MySQL.

Create Mountpoints in OSX in order to point on certain partition of WindowsXP, which contains the DocumentRoot and DataDir. Use this mount for the setup of DocumentRoot and DataDir.
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Postby antoniomax » 14. July 2008 14:27

awesome, i was guessing something like this, but needed some support just to be sure about it.
thank you very much!
Posts: 11
Joined: 12. July 2008 09:15

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